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[1.15.2] Command doesn't exist after inputting arguments


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So I want to create a command to teleport between dimensions, for testing, but when I try to run it, the game says

"Unknown Command"
"...dimension_name_here <--[HERE]"
And I also tried using breakpoints but they didn't trigger whatsoever??

Command Class:

public class TeleportDimensionCommand {
    public static void register(CommandDispatcher<CommandSource> dispatcher) {
        LiteralArgumentBuilder<CommandSource> builder = Commands.literal("teleport_dimension").requires(source -> source.hasPermissionLevel(2));
        builder.then(Commands.argument("dimension", DimensionArgument.getDimension()));
        builder.executes(TeleportDimensionCommand::teleport); //Only breakpoint which triggered
        LiteralCommandNode<CommandSource> teleport_dimension = dispatcher.register(builder);
        dispatcher.register(Commands.literal("tp_dim").requires(source -> source.hasPermissionLevel(2)).redirect(teleport_dimension));

    private static int teleport(CommandContext<CommandSource> context) {
        ServerPlayerEntity player;
        try {
            player = context.getSource().asPlayer(); //Put a breakpoint here..
            player.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Attempting teleport...")); //When I didn't put any arguments, this popped up in chat
        } catch (CommandSyntaxException e) {
            Main.getLogger().error(Markers.ERROR, "Could not get player from source");
            return 0; //Also tried a breakpoint here
        if(player.changeDimension(DimensionArgument.getDimensionArgument(context, "dimension")) == null) {
            Main.getLogger().error(Markers.ERROR, "Could not teleport player"); //Put a breakpoint here
            player.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Could not teleport"));
        } else {
            player.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Teleported!")); //Put a breakpoint here
        return 1;

In my main class:

package sdt.undergroundadditions;

//Imports here...

public class Main {
    public Main() {
      	//Some more code here..
        IEventBus forge = MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS;

        //Adding listeners here...
  	//Some more methods in between here
    private void serverStarting(FMLServerStartingEvent event) {
        logger.info(Markers.SERVER_STARTING, "Initialized server starting events");

And, there's no error in the logs too. What's wrong?

Edited by MyRedAlien43
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On 3/22/2020 at 5:14 PM, MyRedAlien43 said:

And I also tried using breakpoints but they didn't trigger whatsoever??

Did you launch the project in debug mode? I don't know how intellij does it, but I know with eclipse you have to run the project in debug mode, not normal run, to get breakpoints to work. If it still doesn't break, set a breakpoint somewhere you KNOW the code is reaching, just to make sure it's debugging properly.

Beyond that not sure about  commands, not something I've messed with yet, but if you can get debug to work I'm sure that'll help!

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2 minutes ago, Ugdhar said:

Did you launch the project in debug mode? I don't know how intellij does it, but I know with eclipse you have to run the project in debug mode, not normal run, to get breakpoints to work. If it still doesn't break, set a breakpoint somewhere you KNOW the code is reaching, just to make sure it's debugging properly.

Beyond that not sure about  commands, not something I've messed with yet, but if you can get debug to work I'm sure that'll help!

Yes I did press debug mode... Let me just use another breakpoint somewhere..

Edited by MyRedAlien43
improper grammar!
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