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errors while modding[RESOLVED]


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so i am new to modding (not to programming) and was following a tutorial from "TechnoVision" (part 1part 2 (at 9:45 is the point mine breaks)) and was not running into any problems until i wanted to test adding in 1 item to the game and got an ExceptionInInitializerError.

i was following the tutorial pretty accurate and the code seems to be fine so i thing it is a java thing but i can not figure out what it is specificly.


this is my error log (not my terminal output but basically the same)


can someone pleas tell me what the problem is

Edited by Inanis
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First, use the latest MDK, not recommended, there are a ton of bugfixes and newer mappings in the latest.


Second, make sure you scan all the way through your logs. This is something you should always do when debugging code and stuff, it is not specific to forge modding. The issue is explained right there for you:


Caused by: net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocationException: Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location: examplemod:Gear


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