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[1.15.2] Make a method return a value from a capability


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Hi there,


I need a method to return a capability for a specific player.

Here's what I'm trying to achieve (obviously this code doesn't work).

private boolean returnFromACapability {
	player.getCapability(CapabilityProvider.SOME_CAP).ifPresent(cd -> {
				return cd.getBooleanValue(); // The method returnFromACapibility would return this
	return false;

I don't want to make any static variables as instances of this class are used on the Server side by different players and I'd rather not make a load of public variables outside this method as I have many similar ones and my code would get very messy.


I think I'm too close to this and there's probably a super simple solution, so I figured I'd ask here.

Thanks for your help!

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Or refactor your code to access the capability directly instead of through a method so you can use ifPresent properly. 

(That is, your method serves no purpose)

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20 hours ago, Draco18s said:

method serves no purpose

That's very true, I only have this as a method as my mod add's one feauture with loads of checks (capability, command, potion effect, config options etc.), so it helps readability to seperate them all into methods instead of having one massive if statement.


Actually looking over everything, I'll do it using ifPresent() to avoid any issues, thanks!

Edited by squidlex
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Whole video is worth a watch, but that time stamp is the presenter going through and refactoring a complex method out of existence one line at a time.

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7 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

No timestamp :P

Ha, whoops. 58:00

When I copied the link I thought I grabbed "at time" but apparently not!

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