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[1.15.2] Issue with pages of slots.


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So recently I have been trying to make a block which has multiple pages of slots, and getting to the next page and going back a page will just be a simple click of a button. However I am experiencing some issues where the slot index will be out of bounds. So from what I can tell(its quite hard to see whats actually happening), I am able to go from Page 1(first page) to Page 2 perfectly fine, and visa versa. However if I then try to go to Page 3, I get an error and the game crashes with an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. However, if I close the GUI, then re-open it, and go from Page 2 to Page 3 it works fine. Here is my code for switching pages: 

	public void onRecieved(Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> context) {
		context.get().enqueueWork(() -> {
			if (context.get().getSender().openContainer instanceof SiloContainer) {
				SiloContainer container = (SiloContainer) context.get().getSender().openContainer;
				if (this.option == 0) {
					int index = 36;
					container.currentPage.set(container.currentPage.get() - 1);
					for (Slot slot : container.inventorySlots) {
						System.out.println("index: " + (slot.getSlotIndex() - (104 * container.currentPage.get())));
						if (slot instanceof SlotItemHandler) {
							container.inventorySlots.set(index, new SlotItemHandler(
									((SlotItemHandler) slot).getSlotIndex() - (104 * container.currentPage.get()),
									((SlotItemHandler) slot).xPos, ((SlotItemHandler) slot).yPos));
				} else if (this.option == 1) {
					int index = 36;
					container.currentPage.set(container.currentPage.get() + 1);
					for (Slot slot : container.inventorySlots) {
						System.out.println("index: " + (slot.getSlotIndex() + (104 * container.currentPage.get())));
						if (slot instanceof SlotItemHandler) {
							container.inventorySlots.set(index, new SlotItemHandler(
									((SlotItemHandler) slot).getSlotIndex() + (104 * container.currentPage.get()),
									((SlotItemHandler) slot).xPos, ((SlotItemHandler) slot).yPos));


I have been trying to figure this out for hours(over the course of many days) so forgive me if something I am doing here is horribly stupid. This is also my 9th or 10th rewrite of the code, so yea, I'm starting to get very tired with this xD.

Note: I have been trying to figure this out for hours(over the course of many days) so forgive me if something I am doing here is horribly stupid. This is also my 9th or 10th rewrite of the code, so yea, I'm starting to get very tired with this xD. Also, I should note, there are 5 pages, and 104 slots per page(so the ItemHandler has a size of 520). 

Here is the latest log(which includes the crash): https://hatebin.com/krsedhysky
And here is a video of what i did to produce this crash(it crashed when the video ends):

Also, ignore the fact that the page number doesn't update correctly, I know why, I just haven't got around to fixing it yet. 


If there is any other code you need to see, just ask and I will send, cause I'm not really sure what other code would be relevant.


In advance, many thanks. TurtyWurty.

Edited by TurtyWurty
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31 minutes ago, TurtyWurty said:

Here is the latest log(which includes the crash😞 https://hatebin.com/krsedhysky

No it doesn't. It cuts off mid-line on line 294, long before the crash.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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