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I am attempting to cancel the arm swing animation when an item is used on a block, in the air, and on an entity. Currently, I am successful for all of these except for when the item is used on a block.

I was following the post her, however I suspect it is out of date.


    public static void onEntity(final PlayerInteractEvent.EntityInteract event) {
        PlayerEntity entity = event.getPlayer();
        if(!event.getWorld().isRemote || event.getHand() != Hand.MAIN_HAND)
        if(entity.getHeldItem(event.getHand()).getItem() instanceof SpellBook){
            ObfuscationReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(FirstPersonRenderer.class, minecraft.getFirstPersonRenderer(), 1f, MappingUtil.getEquippedProgressMainhand());

I repeat the above code for the following events (some of them are covered by others, I realize):






Do I need to cancel other events? Am I setting the wrong value?


Thank you!


If the item you don't want a swing animation for is your own item, you should be able to override `onItemRightClick`, `onItemUse`, `itemInteractionForEntity`, and return a `ActionResultType.SUCCESS`.

Posted (edited)


They were already returning Success. Setting them to FAIL on the server side removes the swinging, but also causes the client to also not update blockstate changes properly. Setting them to fail on the client side does not seem to do anything.


I found the method IForgeItem#onEntitySwing and set it to true, but now left click breaking is also cancelled. I tested this with the event cancels and without.


Relevant code that is reasonably up to date: https://github.com/baileyholl/Ars-Nouveau/blob/master/src/main/java/com/hollingsworth/arsnouveau/common/items/SpellBook.java 


Thank you!

Edited by BaileyH
Clarification on sides, false -> true

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