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Forge won't load.

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I tried to reload a backup when I was trying to clean up some of my (useless) mods. But, when I saved the backup, it didn't save any of the minecraft.jar files. So I lost Forge. I tried to reinstall Forge, but for some reason it won't start up when I start minecraft.


I have tried installing it with/without modloader (with/without modloader mp). I also moved the Forge files that were saved to another folder in order to give forge a fresh start. unfortunately, nothing seems to work.


I could really use some help as I can't figure out why it is not working.

-Having the latest Minecraft version: Free

-Having Mods: Free

-being a fan of Direwolf20: Priceless

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Are you doing it all manually, or with a patcher? What archiver are you using? Operating system? What's the error you're receiving if any? Please provide a stack trace and any other error reports in spoilers...


Also, you should be doing it both without ModLoader and ModLoaderMP. Forge has both built into it now. You just install Forge and delete META-INF.

Check out my

Texture Packs Thread here on the Forge Forum. :)

Currently in the process of adding some mod support for JohnSmith Texture Pack.

width=105 height=12https://www.sugarsync.com/piv/D8135159_67366891_21351[/img]


width=209 height=19https://www.sugarsync.com/piv/D8135159_67366891_772852[/img]

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I am imputing it manually. Not sure what you mean for archiver, but I have 7zip to view my jar files and other programs for the other file types. My op is Windows 7 and there is no error message, nor any stack trace appearing.


-Having the latest Minecraft version: Free

-Having Mods: Free

-being a fan of Direwolf20: Priceless

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Thank you for clarifying


Unfortunately, 'does not work' is as accurate as I can be. when I enter the game, the normal Mojang title appears and then enters the normal Minecraft title screen. the vanilla Minecraft  title screen. I have no "Mods" button, no info on the bottom of the screen, and I'm getting no logs. It's as if forge isn't even installed.

-Having the latest Minecraft version: Free

-Having Mods: Free

-being a fan of Direwolf20: Priceless

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That's the most critical information you could have given. X]


Try again with these steps:

[*]Force Update Minecraft to clean it up

[*]Download Recommended or Latest Forge build

[*]Open minecraft.jar using your favorite archiver (7-Zip should be fine)

[*]Open Forge.zip (try to be sure to open it with the same archiver)

[*]Drag and drop all files from Forge.zip into the minecraft.jar (be sure to not accidentally place it in a folder)

[*]Delete META-INF Folder within minecraft.jar

[*]Play before installing any other mod to be sure it worked


If the above steps lead you to the same problem, try making sure your archiver is up to date and/or try a different one. (Such as WinRAR)

Check out my

Texture Packs Thread here on the Forge Forum. :)

Currently in the process of adding some mod support for JohnSmith Texture Pack.

width=105 height=12https://www.sugarsync.com/piv/D8135159_67366891_21351[/img]


width=209 height=19https://www.sugarsync.com/piv/D8135159_67366891_772852[/img]

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