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Forge keeps loading things it isn't supposed to


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Forgive me if this is the wrong forum category, but I can't seem to find the RIGHT one for what I'm about to say.


Right now Forge has to be the most annoying thing to get working with the mod setup I have right now. I've designed all my folders to work with MCPatcher's method. I have various folders in my "mods" folder called "1.3.2", "1.3.1", etc. I don't use the mods built-in to MCPatcher (I just use it to add mods normally), but Forge doesn't half try to be annoying when I use it. It's searching through EVERY FOLDER within "mods" and adding everything, (As opposed to just "mods" with ModLoader)


This is especially annoying, as Forge is trying to add mods in old version folders (ie: 1.2.5, 1.3.1, 1.1, beta 1.7.3) which obviously aren't compatable, forcing it to crash. I just wish there were options to prevent this functionality within Forge, as it's just FRUSTRATING to try to run any Forge mods when Forge is just digging into folders it's not supposed to. >_<


Usually, I just inject everything directly into the jar with MCPatcher, even the "mod_" mods. This usually works just fine with ModLoader and things similar. (How do you think it works in the first place? :P) With Forge, no dice. It's just crashing constantly, and the MCPatcher logs are just vague about it. >_< Not to mention the crashes are extremely inconsistent. I can do one thing before and it crashes, and seemingly exactly the same thing later and it doesn't. It's too confusing! I just wish there was an option to stop Forge loading what it shouldn't. >_<



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Forge is supposed to load everything in the mods folder

How can you claim that its doing things its not supposed to as it clearly isnt.

If you dont want a mod to load

move it out of the mods folder.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Yeah, but it's loading literally everything in it. Even within folders, while it's only supposed to load mods in the "mods" folder, not within subfolders. It's just messing with MCPatcher and ModLoader compatability there.


Like I said, it would be a good idea to have an option to remove this, as it's frustrating to have it load even the outdated stuff. >_<


Got a crash, but not sure how it happened.



      Minecraft has crashed!      

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Failed to start game
This error has been saved to C:\Users\Garee\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-08-19_05.30.07-client.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT bbb76829 --------
Generated 19/08/12 05:30

- Minecraft Version: 1.3.2
- Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
- Java Version: 1.7.0_04, Oracle Corporation
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
- Memory: 407377576 bytes (388 MB) / 514523136 bytes (490 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB)
- JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx1024M -Xms512M
- LWJGL: 2.4.2
- OpenGL: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series GL version 3.3.11653 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.
- Is Modded: Definitely; 'forge,fml'
- Type: Client
- Texture Pack: Default
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)

at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.getName(FMLModContainer.java:106)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.sortModList(Loader.java:236)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:416)
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading(FMLClientHandler.java:192)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:402)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:734)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT ac70c2e5 ----------[/spoiler]


This wasn't a problem in earlier versions of Forge, where it only looked at the base "mods" folder (or not at all, preferrably.)

Only recent updates where it's digging in where it isn't supposed to is this happening.

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Either update your mod to one that has a valid mcmod.info

Or update Forge to the latest build.

And it IS supposed to load everything in sub folders as There are such things as folder mods, they are retarded, but hey, people make them.

So, I state once again, just move the shit you dont want, out of the folder.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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^ I would do that, but then it would cause incompatabilities with MCPatcher, which is far more reliable to use than Forge is being.


And Forge is at the latest build. I literally only just (re)downloaded it. Unless it updated in the past 25 minutes, I doubt I'm using an outdated version.

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Haha mcpatcher.. reliable, you high?

Also you're just using it as a archive tool as you said.

So just use 7zip.

Define latest build...

Because yes we actually did update within the last 25 mins, but this issue should not be in any of them from like, last night.

Aside from that, give us a mods list, and we'll see if we can track it down.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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As long as you know how to use it and don't use any of the built-in mods, MCPatcher is VERY reliable. Far more reliable than MagicLauncher, anyway, which somehow loads mods twice every time, which causes a bunch of incompatabilities.


I prefer using MCPatcher to just WinRARing everything into the jar as it's easier to just remove one mod without having to reinstall absolutely everything. Say if I found a small mod is having incompatabilities with Optifine, I can easily remove it and repatch.


Build 4.0.0 #200. That enough definition?


I have a bunch of mods in my folder, and for a first few moments I thought it was BetterThanWolves which was causing it, but as the log turns out Forge isn't bothering to load that one. Still loading others, though.

And now it's randomly deciding to ignore anything that isn't in the 1.2.5 folder. Still crashing, though. I don't know what's going on.


I'll provide a list of what's in my mods folder when it isn't 6am. 1.2.5 folder's here though:




Contents of /mods/1.2.5/...


/mods/1.2.5/CJB Mods/...

> CJB_EVERYTHING.zip (All of 'em. Can't be bothered to write each individual one. I don't even use half of them though xD Quickcraft is all I need!)

[~] Optifine B2.zip (Named like that, so I can organize my mods and APIs easier.)

[A] AudioMod.zip

[F] Minecraft Forge #200.zip

[L] LiteLoader.zip

[M] ModLoader.zip

[P] PlayerAPI.zip

Better Than Wolves [M].zip

CreeperNerf [F].zip

EnderNerf [F].zip

Smart Moving [MP].zip

WILD GRASS YEAH [F].zip (The thing that actually made me bother to dig up Forge again.)



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Ya, how many god damn times do I have to say it?

Move your crap out of the mods folder.

If you refuse to do that i'm locking this thread and writing you off as a moron.


Aside from that, update your forge, check the jenkins for dev builds.


Also there are many other things out there besides MCPatcher to do what you want, Give MultiMC a try.

MCPatcher, even though you turn everything off, will STILL edit your jar with its own crap. Which breaks easily if you're installing mod classes.


Also, why are you typing out everything? It's a simple command, dir /B /S

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Haha mcpatcher.. reliable, you high?

Also you're just using it as a archive tool as you said.

So just use 7zip.

Define latest build...

Because yes we actually did update within the last 25 mins, but this issue should not be in any of them from like, last night.

Aside from that, give us a mods list, and we'll see if we can track it down.


Ya, how many god damn times do I have to say it?

Move your crap out of the mods folder.

If you refuse to do that i'm locking this thread and writing you off as a moron.


Aside from that, update your forge, check the jenkins for dev builds.


Also there are many other things out there besides MCPatcher to do what you want, Give MultiMC a try.

MCPatcher, even though you turn everything off, will STILL edit your jar with its own crap. Which breaks easily if you're installing mod classes.


Also, why are you typing out everything? It's a simple command, dir /B /S


reliable as in, risu can provide an api that doesn't break everyone else's. "just use 7zip" is not a practical solution to those who are not just working with their own mods, it's not humanly possible to keep track of dozens of mods and versions for the same build, patching only through zip. so maybe the forge team can accept the fact that people need mod managers, instead of telling everyone that they are all evil and will break forge? take a more pragmatic approach with this, please.


especially in the case of mcpatcher. it's patently false what you constantly spread about it, this app is actually the same as zip patching if you don't use any of the sideloading options, only difference being there is a nice xml db with profiles to work with.


I find this behavior very irritating as well, there are mod archives in my .minecraft dir that are nowhere near the mods folder, which forge still insist on recursing through and loading. if you have a good reason to do that, fine. just don't load mods that are not in designated mod dirs. this also makes going through logs a real pain as well, maybe a less verbose option to exclude this process?


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reliable as in, risu can provide an api that doesn't break everyone else's. "just use 7zip" is not a practical solution to those who are not just working with their own mods, it's not humanly possible to keep track of dozens of mods and versions for the same build, patching only through zip. so maybe the forge team can accept the fact that people need mod managers, instead of telling everyone that they are all evil and will break forge? take a more pragmatic approach with this, please.


especially in the case of mcpatcher. it's patently false what you constantly spread about it, this app is actually the same as zip patching if you don't use any of the sideloading options, only difference being there is a nice xml db with profiles to work with.


I find this behavior very irritating as well, there are mod archives in my .minecraft dir that are nowhere near the mods folder, which forge still insist on recursing through and loading. if you have a good reason to do that, fine. just don't load mods that are not in designated mod dirs. this also makes going through logs a real pain as well, maybe a less verbose option to exclude this process?

Nobody here is saying anything against mod managers as a whole, I am specifically speaking out against MCPatcher because last time I looked into it it patched in its own code NO MATTER if you have things selected or not. MCPatcher comes with a 'common utilities' section that is ALWAYS, and I do means ALWAYS injected when you merge a jar together.

If, as you claim, MCPatcher were just a archive utility when everything was disabled, I would have NO issue with it. But the plain facts of the matter is that it is not.


FML Doesn't private a api that breaks everyone else's. It follows the standard that is laid out by Minecraft. It is not our fault that people do not adhere to that standard.


Anyways now you're trying saying FML is loading mods that are not in the mods folder, thats a blaitent lie, you can look at the code and see that it is a lie. FML Loads things that are in the /mods/ folder and /coremods/ folder. You have a /mods1.2.5/ folder? FML doesnt give a flying fuck about it.

But if you have anything in the /mods/ folder you are stating that it is a mod and that it should be loaded as a mod.


I'm getting tired of your arragent stupidity, goodbye.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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