Unless you override the equals method checking if a list contains an entity whom we will call instance a when instance b is already there will always return false. You need to iterate through the list of entities and check if one is an instance of your entities class. And if it is say it cant spawn.
AbstractFurnaceTileEntity stores its IRecipeType (BLASTING, SMELTING or SMOKING) in the protected AbstractFurnaceTileEntity#recipeType field, so you could use reflection to access this instead of using those instanceof checks. This would also handle any modded furnace that extends AbstractFurnaceTileEntity.
Animefan8888 is right about creating a scrolling image by changing the start,height. I wrote most of my guis like that, But if you were wanting to have a bunch of images and text and dont want to write all the logic for that. Than I have used GL Scissor to do what your asking. I've used it to draw scroll-able guis inside other guis. Anything outside the borders will get cut off.
It really depends on what you trying to do. As this can be a bit much for a simple scrolling window. You will still have to handle all the key inputs & mouse inputs. This only handles the rendering. Also This was written for mc1.12.2.
The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site.
Please read up on the StopModReposts project (link in my signature) for info on why this is a bad thing.
Whatever the heck mw is, it's got a bad mod ID and is broken.
Here's a suggestion that I've come up with remove diamond tools from having damage. In your PreInit event in your @Mod class do Items.DIAMOND_SOMETHING.setMaxDamage(0)