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Everything posted by MrBendelScrolls

  1. [08:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: You need to agree to the EULA in order to run the server. Go to eula.txt for more info. Just try to read
  2. Where 'everywhere'? Your whole project is basically in src folder, except gradle. So removing it should not cause any problems. Post a screenshot or something.
  3. Yes, pretty simple: You mine a block... and it mines 3x3 area! STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS WITH THE HEL OF AN ANNOYING FONT!!!! If you're not paying, we won't think for you. Also, wrong forum.
  4. Post FML log (.minecraft/logs/fml-client-latest.log). Put it in tags or upload to pastebin (it may not fit there) or to gist. EDIT: @diesieben07, how are you always so fast and everywhere?
  5. There is nothing there. You need to click on the crafting table in the book one more time or manually place planks into the grid. At least this is how it works for me.
  6. -Xmx$2048M $ should not be there.
  7. Just replace the old Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, meta, loc); But it's highly recommended to start using registry events. They're not so hard to understand. Read the docs first, and here's some simple information:
  8. Thank you for ultimate experience of downloading a zipped project via mediafire... Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, meta, loc); Don't use ModelMesher. Use ModelLoader::setCustomResourceLocation(). Also, you should be using register events if you want to be able to update to 1.11+. What kind of crappy tutorials does everyone watch? Why is there so many ModelMesher threads on the forum?
  9. You're doing EVERYTHING wrong. You shouldn't call those methods. READ THE DOCS!!!
  10. What are you doing? Did you read docs?
  11. What do you mean?
  12. Why do you guys come here and post onto ForgeGradle forum? OPEN YOUR EYES! This 'problem' was answered like a hundred times already. Couldn't you just use search?
  13. "Best code is no code, they say"
  14. Tutorials that you're using are outdated. You should use registry events now. Complicated things simple: Items must be registered inside RegistryEvent.Register<IForgeRegistryEntry> with event::getRegistry()::register() public static void registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { event.getRegistry().register(item); } Models must be registered inside ModelRegistryEvent with ModelLoader::setCustomResourceLocation() public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } Don't forget to separate event subscribers with common RegistryEvent and client ModelRegistryEvent, otherwise crashes may happen.
  15. MrCrayfish's tutorials are outdated. I suggest reading event docs and searching for similar threads on the forum. There are probably some good new tutorials, but I personally haven't seen one. You should post your code on github. However, just uploading it is a bad idea. Learn how to use git, it'll help managing projects a lot. Another way, you can upload separate files on gist, but I'd be a terrible idea for the whole project.
  16. I suddenly decided to play some old minecraft maps, which require older versions. However, for some reason there is no sound in everything under 1.6.4. It appears that the new launcher doesn't download required libs for old mc versions. I had to use the old one (god, it's a way more comfortable), which reset all of my settings. Now everything works fine with the new launcher, but what if I need to reinstall minecraft? Is there a way to fix it? %ultimate_imnonativespeaker_sign%
  17. What do you mean by 'strange forge version'? If a modpack specifies version, it is tested, and you should use it. Post the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log) on gist.
  18. I want to implement a simple config feature to disable all of the mod's items. First idea was just not to register them. However, there are many obvious issues when trying to play on a server. So how do I go about that?
  19. I will make it simple. To save changes made from GUI, subscribe to ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent. Check if event's modid is the modid of your mod, then call ConfigManager#sync(). I don't have access to sources right now, but the code looks like this: @EventBusSubscriber public class ConfigEventHandler { /* I prefer to make it inner class of my config class, but it doesn't have to be, it just needs to be registered. Read docs about events if you don't understand. */ @SubscribeEvent public static void onConfigChanged(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent event) { if (event.getModid().equals(modid) { ConfigManager.sync(modid, Config.Type.INSTANCE); } } } I believe,ConfigManager#sync() also saves changes made to fields to your config file, but as I said, I don't know much about configs .
  20. I don't know much about configs, but I believe you need to synchronize your config with ConfigManager#sync(). At least, if you're talking about GUI changes, this is definitely the case. Read below:
  21. @ABOLOS Do you even know what programming and Java is?
  22. Allocate more memory if you're using IDE or run gradlew from the command line.
  23. Thanks for another very informative thread. Hold on, lemme get my tamby... Nah, doesn't work today, sorry. POST THE LOG!
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