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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. You should update your JDK. Also there's no need to set your eclipse workspace inside the mod since Eclipse has added/improved their Gradle integration. Can I ask what particular tutorial you're following?
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, please WARNING: After switching you might notice some posts with white around their text... this is caused by users copypasting rich text into their posts.
  3. The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site. Please read up on the StopModReposts project (link in my signature) for info on why this is a bad thing.
  4. Don't put your workspace in the mod, the default location of C:\Users\<You>\eclipse-workspace works fine
  5. Open a console and type java -version, what does it say?
  6. The Installer run on Java, try installing Java
  7. Please don't hijack other people's threads. If you have an issue please make your own thread.
  8. User was banned for using a cracked launcher. Buy the game.
  9. 1.8.9 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Also I'm seeing Notch/Obf names, so I'm not even sure you're running Forge as you claim. (Unless 1.8.9 was in the jar patching days, I forget when the transition to runtime-patching occurred)
  10. Looks like one or more of the mods requires a version of Forge newer than the Recommended build but isn't indicating it.
  11. Define "active"?
  12. The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site. Please read up on the StopModReposts project (link in my signature) for info on why this is a bad thing.
  13. Please read the Logs section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner. Likely Fix: Try using the version of Forge that Pixelmon is designed to work with, this version is identified on their website.
  14. Don't bump like that. Don't mess with the files manually or you are more likely to break things. You NEVER need to uninstall any Forge version, just install the new one and edit the launcher profile/installation to use the new version.
  15. You need to use Java 8, 9, or 10 to run Forge 1.14.X at this time, you are using 12
  16. I don't see a crash in that log
  17. How are you installing Forge?
  18. Please don't hijack other people's threads. If you have an issue please make your own thread.
  19. You are launching a vanilla server. To launch a Forge server you have to launch the Forge jar.
  20. Where are you getting Forge from? Please provide a URL
  21. I die a little inside every time I see someone post a server log with obvious client-only mods. Where are you getting your mods? Can you provide your debug.log? What the heck does this mean?
  22. Can you at least provide your mod list? Is this a pre-made pack or something you made?
  23. Did you read the installation instructions for LargeFluidTank? You appear to be missing a mod it depends on. Edit: Merged your threads, don't make duplicate threads for the same thing.
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