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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. Please post logs as described in the EAQ and my signature below.
  2. If it's on your own computer just use localhost as the server address. Unless friends are joining you won't need Hamachi, and if you do have friends joining they will need your Hamachi address, you won't use it yourself.
  3. What do you mean by "delete mod"? Is there still an issue?
  4. I'm not 100% sure on this and someone else might correct me, but I think this might also be caused by your firewall or antivirus, is Java in the list of programs allowed through your firewall?
  5. Please post logs as described in the EAQ and my signature.
  6. The connection is timing out. Typically this means slow or nonexistent internet.
  7. Unless you are making a mod you should only use the universal. Please provide logs as described in the EAQ and my signature.
  8. Please do not tell people to manually download files, that makes things complicated later.
  9. I don't see a crash in here but I do see two things right before shutdown, BetterFPS logs a warning that it can't check for updates because the dev goofed their JSON and the server complains that a player is joining the server too early.
  10. DaemonUmbra


    As with all software, make sure you are getting your mods from a reputable source. For most mods these days that means CurseForge, but for Forge itself you should only download from http://files.minecraftforge.net. Also if you are new please check out the StopModReposts project. As for installing mods, any modern mod should require only dropping its Jar file into the mods folder Forge creates inside your .minecraft folder, the location of which depends on your Operating System, this page of the Minecraft wiki describes the .minecraft folder and where to find it on each OS. Note: In general, if a mod requires an installer I do NOT recommend running that installer, I cannot speak for every mod but at this time I know of only two mods I trust that come as installers, Forge itself being one of them.
  11. According to the log your filename for TConstruct is tconstruct-1-12-2-2-10-1-87-.jar but it comes from CurseForge with the name TConstruct-1.12.2- this is the mod that isn't being loaded. Try bumping your mas ram to 5G or 6G, this is not usually recommended but sometimes mods have a lot of high-res textures that need to be loaded.
  12. The log indicates that one of your mods isn't being read correctly so it isn't loading. Then the log mentions JEI running out of memory when it tries to load. Can I ask why you renamed the tconstruct jar?
  13. How much ram do you have in your PC and where have you gotten your mods from?
  14. Please post logs as described in the EAQ and my signature.
  15. Show me a log from a non-deobf jar
  16. Why are you using a deobf jar?
  17. Please provide a log as described in the EAQ and my signature.
  18. Where did you hear this, @PulseBeat_02? I think your issue there is Windows is set to hide known file extensions by default, so the file is actually Start.bat.txt but you only see the start.bat portion, in your file explorer window go to the view tab and check the file name extensions box. Once this has been done you can run the bat file in CMD by typing its name or by simply double clicking on it, also I highly recommend adding pause to a new line the end of your Start.bat, this will make sure the window doesn't auto-close after your server closes, making sure you don't miss any console output.
  19. The more RAM you add the longer Garbage Collection could potentially take to run AFAIK
  20. Locked. JRed you are consistently coming around asking for help with your fucking coremod that I'm fairly sure every member of staff has asked you to stop using, yet you insist on hacking the shit out of everything because you think you know better yet you refuse to prove that your way is better by contributing to Forge directly. I will say this again, if you are having trouble with making a coremod maybe you shouldn't be hacking the shit out of other people's code.
  21. You need to use cmd instead of powershell, you can run cmd from in powershell by typing cmd and pressing enter before the command mentioned in the post I linked before.
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