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Everything posted by Differentiation

  1. But I mean what would be the appropriate registry? How can it include all items and blocks from all the mods that the player has loaded and Minecraft?
  2. Hey! I was wondering, is there any way to yield the player with a random item or block from Minecraft or my own mod? Is it just as simple as giving the player a random item by getting a random item id? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
  3. Hey! 1. This thread is old. 2. Update to 1.12.2, seriously, 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this Forum. Just in case you miss this thread, Diesieben (I should probably feel stupid for this... but...) @diesieben07
  4. If this topic was not solved yet: MinecraftServer server = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance(); List<EntityPlayer> list = Lists.newArrayList(server.getPlayerList().getPlayers()); for (EntityPlayer playerIn : list) //for each player in the player list { playerIn.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(MobEffects /* don't get effect from ID, IDs can change */... effect, int... duration, int... amplifier, boolean... particles, boolean... isAmbient)); } Hope I helped
  5. @SubscribeEvent and register the class via @EventBusSubscriber. Got it. Thanks guys, it works perfectly now.
  6. So basically the @EventBusSubscriber annotation with the method event being static with annotation @SubscribeEvent.
  7. I register AttachCapabilitiesEvent in the FMLInitialization.
  8. This is executed server-side, so you are technically already doing that...
  9. Hey! In my Custom Capability class I have player.setRegenerating(500, 10, 1.0F); on PlayerCloneEvent. However, I notice that whenever I run /kill, the ticks go by faster in PlayerTickEvent every time I respawn again. When I log out, the Event is called on time (20 ticks per second). Is there a problem with my code or what? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
  10. Hey! So I have multiple classes with unique code required for the PlayerTickEvent. Is it harmful to Subscribe to the same event multiple times throughout your packages? For instance: In class 1: @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerTicking(PlayerTickEvent event) { do stuff... } In class 2: @SubscribeEvent public void onTickingPlayer(PlayerTickEvent event) { do other stuff... } Will this cause any conflicts or is it perfectly fine? Thanks!
  11. Maybe the OP is talking about player's that are not present on the world or players that are not really logged on?
  12. But that shows the effect icons when I interact with my inventory... I mean, I know how to rid the particles of the effect, but is there a way to rid the icon in the inventory so that the player will have no idea they have a potion effect on them?
  13. Hey! I wanted to be able to make the player unable to jump, is there a way to do this? Is it just canceling LivingJumpEvent? And apart from that, what if I wanted to make the player unable to move (W, A, S, D)? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
  14. ItemPickupEvent::getOriginalEntity#getItem()#getItem(); isn't working when compared to the correct item picked up I'll try ItemPickupEvent::getStack();
  15. the latest for 1.12 (1.12.2 - and pickedUp is in fact deprecated. I'll try using EntityItemPickupEvent instead and see if it works.
  16. Hey, In 1.10.2 for ItemPickupEvent, I would get the item picked up via pickedUp. How would you do this in 1.12.2? pickedUp is deprecated. Please help. Thanks!
  17. If you solved this problem, please insert a [SOLVED] in the title so that people with similar problem may be able to fix it too
  18. Hey! I just updated my mod to 1.12.2 and as I was updating and renaming methods and all the code, I happened to have a problem with one specific function and that would be getting the stackSize of an ItemStack. In 1.10.2 it was pretty simple: ItemStack::stackSize. Please help. Thank you!
  19. 1. Make sure you have the Recommended version of Forge. Question: Is the screen black when it's done loading?
  20. No. They actually put in the time to make every texture pixel by pixel. I have tried so many ways to convert to 32x32 with a click but I couldn't as it would always come out blurry no matter what I do. I have adopted the 32x32 Faithful and I have now become a master at texturing that style! That's why I can code and texture for my mod
  21. For my mod I just make my textures Faithful 32x32 because 16x16 just looks non-HD and overall bad quality
  22. Use Forge's SimpleImpl to create custom packets.
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