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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. Well you can remove a chunk data and let the game regenerate it. That would also regenerate other ores and delete any player-built stuff inside, though. But considering you could also explore your world further to get the same stuff, or put back the data after trying, i don't see any issue with that.
  2. I would cancel the key event for the movement keys when appropriate.
  3. PlayerUseItemEvent would probably help to achieve this.
  4. Most of those properties can be defined at block initialization. Extend BlockFalling to get a basic falling block, then use the setters to add other properties. Block#setStepSound(SoundType) Block#setHardness(float)
  5. Read the tutorials. public static final Block blocksOfAsphalt_Yellow_0 = new BlocksOfAsphalt_Yellow_0( You never should do that, no matter what version of Minecraft you code for.
  6. FMLMissingMappingsEvent should help you remap the item/block.
  7. Extending EntityCow isn't bad...but using @Mod this way is kinda strange. You might want to read its javadoc.
  8. Material doesn't have the effects you think. "sand" in particular does nothing but having a specific note from the note block, and display "sand color" on the map (MapColor) There are also "burning", "pushing", "tool use" flags in Material, but "sand" uses the defaults.
  9. Looks like something that could be handled in a server command. You'll be able to set a permission level, as a bonus.
  10. Why do you want the server instance on a client anyways ?
  11. while(tileEntity instanceof TileEntityWindmill && world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) < ; Yeah, that is an infinite loop.
  12. External librairies. Doesn't look like you searched before asking.
  13. It will run at least on the first update for any mob/player. public static boolean onLivingUpdate(EntityLivingBase entity) { return MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new LivingUpdateEvent(entity)); } Listen to that event and you'll be fine.
  14. Entity#setVelocity(double, double, double) is client-side only.
  15. You need to initialize your armor material after the configuration settings are loaded, if you want them to be applied.
  16. He meant you created a new variable instead of using the static field.
  17. Use EntityLivingBase if you want to affect players and mobs.
  18. Go to the topic for each broken mods: -chocolate mod -tconstruct -millenaire
  19. if(i == 1); Take a close look.
  20. WorldType#biomesForWorldType doesn't exist anymore. Either register a new WorldType and override getBiomeLayer(long, GenLayer) or use the WorldTypeEvent.InitBiomeGens.
  21. PlayerLoggedInEvent ?
  22. public chaosSword (int id, ToolMaterial ChaosSword) { super(ChaosSword); this.setMaxStackSize(1); this.setCreativeTab(tabStarlightWeapons); } "id" is totally unused in this constructor. Removing is advised.
  23. Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityChicken cannot be cast to net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer The LivingUpdateEvent triggers for all living things, including chickens (which, are not players).
  24. You don't need to have a global entity id at all. The #registerModEntity is the right one. This is totally correct. Also, while it doesn't give you a vanilla egg, it doesn't stop you from making one. The lazy step would be to register a global entity id and add it to the vanilla egg list. (but then the local id registration is far less interesting) Another solution is to create your own egg, like any item (see ItemMonsterPlacer, though you'll need to replace the global entity id lookup with either entity name or local id). Another solution is to use events and spawn the entity yourself.
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