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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. I dont believe you need the Development kit, but I've always downloaded it just to be safe (it includes normal java in it) and its worked fine How to change it: It could be complicated, you should be able to change it with commands but that didn't work for me (MacBook Pro 2013) so I deleted java completely then installed the right java Java 8u151: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-javase8-2177648.html MAKE SURE you download 8u151 not 8u152 (8u151 is the second release from the to, and the 3rd item from the top)
  2. That crash log tells me that there was an error... and exactly nothing else. What mods are you running on the sever (if none tell me none)? Are you able to run a normal minecraft server on your computer? What tutorial did you follow? What is inside your Start.command file What version is your Java?
  3. Did you maybe update your java? your java version needs to be java 8u151 Please also post all relevant logs
  4. Most modders use common proxies and almost all tutorials use them. He should however read the docs https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/#sidedproxy http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com.au/p/minecraft-modding-organizing-your-proxy.html?m=1
  5. Agreed, look at his code though. I think that you should probably save that revelation for another day
  6. move ClientProxy and CommonProxy to two separate files then reference them properly
  7. So, My en_us.lang file isn't being loaded, and I've tried everything before coming here. I'm not getting any errors from forge. I've got everything right in my pack.mcmeta. This issue is for this mod only, another mod in a different folder is working perfectly. The file is working perfectly when I put it into the other mod's folder. What I've tried. - Probably every combination of "tile", my blocks name and "name". - Changing my pack format to 2 and renaming the file en_US.lang en_us.lang File Path: /Users/_username_/Modding/wiptech/src/main/resources/assets/wiptech/lang/en_us.lang en_us.lang Contents Screenshots proving (hopefully) that I'm not doing anything wrong
  8. Good Luck! That might not be that hard to do, if its only a very simple launcher (I'm thinking command line script simple). You might have to deobfuscate Forge's code to see how they launch it in the Dev workspace environment. Because ATL forces modpack updates
  9. So your just trying to keep your mods always up to date?
  10. The way I understand this is that you are trying to circumvent Minecraft's login system. Correct me if I'm wrong. To answer your question - look at how forge does it. something like this Running with arguments: [--userProperties, {}, --assetsDir, /Users/_username_/.gradle/caches/minecraft/assets, --assetIndex, 1.12, --accessToken{REDACTED}, --version, 1.12.2, --tweakClass, net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker, --tweakClass, net.minecraftforge.gradle.tweakers.CoremodTweaker] but you would have to look much more deeply into it. I'd say just create a modpack on ATL or similar. Also its pretty much illegal to play a game without buying it which is what your trying to do TL;DR Get everyone who's playing to buy an account
  11. I'm currently trying to use @SubscribeEvent - RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event to create and register my recipes instead of using JSON, allowing my registration to take place in a minimal amount of files and make my registration much more ordered. My problem is that I don't understand the system and even though I've looked at the docs, other peoples problems, examples (Choonster's TestMod3, ShadowsOfFire's approach to the problem), I still don't understand how to create a list of Recipes each created with a list of Ingredients to event.getRegistry().registerAll(ModRecipes.RECIPES); My classes if it helps: RegistryEventHandler.java ModRecipes.java Any Help appreciated, even if its just something like "read the docs again" I've also redone my mod structure completely (in the same style as TwilightForrest, TestMod3 & this post) if anyone thinks it could be that
  12. onPlayerStoppedUsing() onUsingTick() onPlayerStartedUsing() and others in package net.minecraft.item;
  13. I have no idea what I was doing wrong, but after redoing my registration in the style of CJ Minecrafts 1.12-1.13 entity registering tutorial everything works perfectly.
  14. Just name your mod after you, not a website that doesn't belong to you/exist Name it something like bedrockbreaker.rtap
  15. I'd say look at the vanilla implementation of rain/snow etc and how its applied to biomes. Try and find some other peoples code that does similar things (theres a couple mods in FTB that have custom weather, don't know which ones though)
  16. Could someone please link some examples of how to create and use projectile entities in 1.12.2? Ive looked at the forge documentation and can't seem to make anything work. Open source mods that use these entities would be great if anyones made one/ knows of an open source one! My main problem has been that everything I look at is out-dated
  17. Make sure you are using Java 8 Update 151 (Java 8u151) not Java 9 as forge and modding environments aren't compatible with it. I had a tough time with this too and ended up having to delete java (8 and 9) entirely from my computer and then reinstall only java 8 Also you should probably increase your ram to 1-2gb rather that a maximum of 1gb
  18. Actually I think that its just set up with weird proxy and naming system as ModItems.registerRenders() is only called in ClientProxy while ModItems.init() and ModItems.register() are called in preInit()
  19. Sorry, Reading the docs about #1 & #2 right now. But I don't see any part of my/his code that reaches across logical sides
  20. can you post the log? also Forge installer, Minecraft installer, Modding workspace installer or another installer
  21. It works so far (i haven't traced any of the issues im having to it) whats a better/right way?
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