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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. Post the log, make sure you've got the port right (you can't leave it blank unless you also port-forwarded port 80 or 8080 to port 25565), try connecting to localhost:25565 (if your hosting the server on the same machine as your playing on). If you can access it from here that means you messed up port forwarding or somewhere something is getting blocked (ISP blocking, Router Firewall blocking etc)
  2. Thats the error thats might not be what caused it but it looks like a good place to start looking for the cause I seem to remember Brandon's Mods causing a crash for someone before, you might want to try disabling it.
  3. pretty much, you should be able to just surround your code with an world.isRemote check
  4. In 1.13 I believe that custom ItemBlocks & Metadata are going to be phased out, and your STYLES property should be moved to multiple blocks rather than just the one. Multiple Blocks does not mean Multiple Classes - you can Reinstanitate your original class (with a few modifications) and take your type as a parameter in the constructor
  5. Changing ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item1, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation("examplemod:fav"),"inventory")); to ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item1, 0 ,new ModelResourceLocation( item1.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); might help but we need more info. Please 1) create your own mod, rather than editing the ExampleMod provided with forge 2) use SubscribeEvents 3) post the full log 4) use GitHub 5) use GitHub you can also try changing fav.json from { "parent": "minecraft/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "examplemod:items/fav" } } to { "parent": "item/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "examplemod:items/fav" } }
  6. If your looking at how to render a 2d model look at the vanilla Render Snowball class. A couple modifications to it (making the image load from a file rather than the TextureMap etc.) and it should work perfectly
  7. @diesieben07 Would I be wrong to tell him to downgrade java to java 8?
  8. Didn't know that, sorry for the salt
  9. you are unable to rename files in your file system? forge-universal.jar was the file I was (trying to be) talking about
  10. this will attempt to launch a file called minecraft_server.jar, you are able to rename files and honestly you should not have both vanilla server & forge server in the same folder because they will attempt to access the same files, resulting in broken worlds etc.
  11. are you sure that your .jar file is called "minecraft_server.jar"? What Java are you using?
  12. I believe you have to create a start.command file with "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar" in it Or you can also paste this into terminal. java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui minecraft_server.jar refers to the location of your server.jar file - you'll probably have to change this if your using terminal you can type in java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar and then drag your server file into the terminal window https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_Minecraft_Forge_server You could also have incorrect java (minecraft & minecraft server require java)
  13. try deleting your config for the moment and post your FML log also the version of your mods is important so please post that too
  14. Add this to your class that has @Mod.EventBusSubscriber @SubscribeEvent public static void onHarvest(BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent event) { if (event.getHarvester() != null) { List<ItemStack> drops = event.getDrops(); if(drops!=null && drops.size()>0) { BlockPos pos = event.getPos(); IBlockState blockstate = event.getWorld().getBlockState(pos); Block block = blockstate.getBlock(); if(block instanceof BlockGrass) { drops.add(new ItemStack(Item.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "wheat_seeds")))); } } } }
  15. Z level sets what the texture is rendered above, for example items are rendered at zLevel 250 and Tooltips are rendered at zLevel 300
  16. I think that you can only scale an entire texture (set with this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture()), not a part of a texture
  17. I think that both drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect and drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture take an entire texture and scale it
  18. so just modify it to fit your needs
  19. did this inside my drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer() drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture(20, 20, 0, 0, width, height, 10, 10);
  20. I think that its used to draw text
  21. mc.thePlayer.getPos() returns the position of the bottom of your feet. translate it up on the Y axis by something like 1.6 to make it start around your eye/camera's height
  22. in that render class just do your OpenGL commands that draw a line between the entity and it's thrower
  23. set up a renderer for it and in that renderer connect it to it's thrower Ill have to check this but I think that throwers aren't properly synced between server & client for some reason
  24. do you have an entity set up for your EntityLassoWhip that can be thrown/shot? if so, have you set up a renderer for it?
  25. Do you want this code to run if you have the armor on OR run if you have the armor on AND have thrown a lassoWhip
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