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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. It should be a file called hs_error_pid in your .minecraft folder
  2. Is there any way to order when your event subscriber gets called with more accuracy than Highest/High/Normal/Low/Lowest?
  3. Try checking if the hand from the event is the hand holding the ItemStack. You can also use ItemStack#shrink()
  4. Quite a lot of mods are visible source on GitHub including TinkersConstruct, Applied Energistics and Mekanism that are great for reference.
  5. You could start an issue on the Forge GitHub if you think this is a real bug (which it seems to be) Do you have any mods or anything installed? How are you running the sever?
  6. We want to preserve issues for people in the future without having the comments filled with similar issues (which aren’t as easily found). So if you have an issue (even if you think it’s the same on as the OP’s) we ask you to make a new thread
  7. Also don’t hijack someone else’s thread, start a new one
  8. Config files are in your .minecraft/config/ folder. Delete the code chicken one
  9. 9minecraft pirates & redistributes Mods with viruses added to them. Delete any mods you downloaded from that website. Only use files.minecraftforge.net for Forge and CurseForge for Mods. Take a look at http://stopmodreposts.org/
  10. What is UWP? Also, Rift & LiteLoader exist. They don’t provide nearly the same amount of functionality or APIness that Forge does though
  11. IIcon doesn’t exist anymore, it was replaced by the baked model system in 1.8
  12. Make sure BetterFoliage is the lastest version. If it is try removing it
  13. No, you just need normal Optifine & the tweaker to run it. If you want to write code that references it, you'll need to (de)compile a library version of it with simpledeobf
  14. I think the forge download server might be experiencing issues as other people have posted similar issues recently. You'll just have to wait it out
  15. The tweaker modifies Optifine (which is loaded from the /run/mods folder in your dev workspace) to run in a deobfuscated environment.
  16. Do you also have Optifine installed?
  17. Looks like a mod is messing up networking. Please post your entire debug log as described in the EAQ and my signature
  18. Without making it actual armor? Subscribe to the renderPlayerEvent, check if the player has your item in their inventory, and if so render your model
  19. I can’t see anything wrong with it, try making a new model with blockbench.net. Me crayfishes model creator is pretty outdated by now.
  20. None of it was “essential” to updating forge to 1.13. 1.13 just happened to be the update for which pretty much the entirety of Forge and all its related programs were rewritten (it was very needed and a long time in coming)
  21. Wynncraft does that with a server plugin, you can do it by subscribing to the renderOverlay.TEXT event and doing your rendering there. Remember to rebind any textures you change and to not mess with the GL state
  22. Try looking at the elytra code. Your probably going to want to subscribe to the renderPlayerEvent.Pre and do some rotations with GLStateManager
  23. That link works, as I said, you should probably be extending entity throwable instead of entity fireball. Take a look at https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTechAlpha/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/entity/projectile/EntityNapalm.java#L18-L89 Ignore the igniteBlocks method (it sets everything on fire) and lines 83-85 (they deal with approximating the nearest air block to the collision point)
  24. Pretty much nothing about Minecraft is optimised, so you should probably make it only fly for 5-10 seconds (it should probably go less than 100 blocks in that time) before it dies (you should use the ticksAlive field, and have your logic in onUpdate). I suggested you extend entity throwable because it has a very accurate onImpact method. In this method you should check - if the entity hit a block (if so kill it) - if the entity hit an entity (increment a counter, if that counter is at max, kill your entity) As for the weird spawning, how are you getting the x, y, z and the pitch & yaw to spawn your entity with? Your GitHub links all return Could you post that code please? With rendering, you need a class that extends Render<YourEntity>. Register your rendering class in the ModelRegistryEvent with RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(YourEntity.class, RenderYourEntity::new); or RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(YourEntity.class, (renderManagerIn) -> new RenderYourEntity(renderManagerIn)); if you don’t feel comfortable using the :: operator
  25. The modern warfare mod has good guns, but I seem to remember it having a few bugs
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