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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. Please post the entire log when you run it with --stacktrace and --debug
  2. try making sure your on a server (!world.isRemote)
  3. This thread might be useful, try using 64 bit Java (you have 86 bit 1.8.0_191 and are running it on a 64-Bit Server VM). https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
  4. Is there a .gradle file at \Users\YourName\.gradle?
  5. I know you said that you didn't modify your build.gradle file, but can you post it and your gradle.properties file? Did you open the project with your IDE or modify it in any other way before running the command?
  6. What mods do you have installed? How much ram are you allocating to minecraft?
  7. Can you run it again with --stacktrace and --debug and post the results? What forge version are you working on? What java version(s) do you have installed?
  8. Thanks sm, thats almost perfect, but you should move the project up 1 directory
  9. Your master branch is empty except for a .gitattributes file
  10. Try removing base metals
  11. If you’re new you can use GitHub desktop (more advanced users use git clients integrated with their IDE or the command line). All you have to do is add repository in the root folder of your project (the one that contains the src folder). Branches are used updates to versions or major changes. Your current work should go on the master branch.
  12. Chests are a TileEntity, not a normal block. What do you mean by "or similar"? It rotates the current GL matrix with the values you specify. The values are angle (in degrees), x (either 1 or -1), y (either 1 or -1), z (either 1 or -1). Heres a (very) technical explanation
  13. Don't do this if your trying to render an actual model It stores all the normal textures of the game (Block & Item textures) in 1 texture for performance and a number of other reasons
  14. You are also able to hot-swap code directly into the running program. If you want to you can also change the JVM to use DCEVM (Dynamic Code Evolution VM) for even more advanced hot-swap, but Mojang's default JVM arguments (specifically the -XX:+UseG1GC argument) cause a crash when using this JVM. The final arguments that I use are -Xms1536M -Xmx2048M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5009 If you are using DCEVM as an alternate JVM add -XXaltjvm=dcevm to the arguments For more help read community.liferay/blogs/java-classes-instant-reloading-using-dcevm-hotswap-agent and GitHub/DCEVM
  15. You could look at where hands get rendered in vanilla normally, and write code in the appropriate event to render another hand holding the gun if the players offhand is empty
  16. Step through the code with the debugger and see why the player gets hurt
  17. Sorry, didn’t see it
  18. Do you have a blockstate for it? Can you post your logs?
  19. If event.getHand == player.getActiveHand
  20. Can you push your changes to your repo too please?
  21. Your blockstates, recipes, models etc?
  22. The way I would do it would be to extend entity throwable, move the entity & check how long it’s been alive in the onUpdate method and handle collisions (blocks and entities) in the onImpact method
  23. So, you’ve somehow extended a generic class with no specific functionality and suddenly have a magic missile that follows your cursor? I want programing magic like that to happen to me!
  24. Great, um where are your resources now?
  25. In the context of the linked tutorial, “basic” can be replaced with “example”
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