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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Chibill

  1. It's both because it can restrict you from using cheat mode on some server in its server side config and it ran on my server in 1.4.7
  2. Heres the file. [ { "modid": "AdditionalCrafting", "name": AdditionalCrafting", "description": "A Minecraft mod made to add Spawners that are placeable, new stairs, and some new crafting recipes!", "version": "1.0.0", "credits": "The people of the Forge Mod Loader Forum.", "logoFile": "/logo.png", "mcversion": "", "url": "http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/", "updateUrl": "", "authors": [ "chibill And Himehowareu" ], "parent":"", "screenshots": [], "dependencies": [ "mod_MinecraftForge" ] } ]
  3. Wheres the src that in the OP is just the decompiled .class files.
  4. No NEI is also server side but most be put in core mods.
  5. No error it just does not display in game.
  6. Because it is in the Main file of my mod. And I can never make the file work which is why I posted this because the hardcoded one is not showing in a normal installation.
  7. That helps but I already read that and then decided to hard code but it that's not working in a normal installation.
  8. That does nt help at all. Any idea why the hardcore one does not work?
  9. Okay I have a hard coded on in my mod it works in eclipse but not in the normal minecraft. Any help.
  10. That helps but how would I tell it I am using the counsel as the sender.
  11. It is my native but I misted this went the site was eroding every thing till it worked.
  12. I have read all the stuff in the net.minecraft.commands for days before posting unlike some people here I try before using the forums.
  13. package chibill.AdditionalCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import cpw.mods.fml.common.IFuelHandler; public class FuelHandler implements IFuelHandler { @Override public int getBurnTime(ItemStack fuel) { int var1 = fuel.itemID; if(var1 == Item.book.itemID){ return 300; }else if(var1 == Base.NetherStone.itemID){ return 40000; }else return 0; } } In its own class then in base class GameRegistry.registerFuelHandler(new FuelHandler());
  14. This is your problem jackos2500_BlockBreaker{0.3.1} [blockBreaker] (com) Unloaded->Errored It has a error
  15. The workspace is forge/mcp/eclipse I don't know what your doing and did you run the install.bat or the version for your OS?
  16. Use the server version of entity player. Then it can only happen server side.
  17. Or one texture and change the block bounds. I think.
  18. I mean make my mod run commands like /kick or /time set day from in its code.
  19. How would I make my own commands and run ones in the minecraft code normally?
  20. Not really because I am not at my pc right now but I can say it is starting the thread but then stops executing it before it runs once fully.
  21. Because I know how to use multithreading and I did no want to have to learn something new when I need to get this version out in 2 days to meet my goal of 1.0.0 of additional crafting.
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