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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. You can write a file to disk. When you need it simply read the file. Capabilities would also work, and would probably be a bit simpler to implement.
  2. Subscribe to PlayerRenderEvent.Post (or was it RenderPlayerEvent?) and do your rendering there.
  3. Optifine needs specific Forge version. In this case you need to use Forge 28.1.56.
  4. Please read the EAQ and post the appropriate log(s).
  5. Lycanites Mobs' problem. Remove it and report to its author.
  6. Or use GuiScreen::isShiftDown. This one is arguably better since it only checks if the shift key is pressed in the GUI.
  7. Removing IInventory will not fix your problem, but it is a good practice as IInventory is deprecated. You need to sync your tile entity from the server to the client. protected int getBurnTime(ItemStack p_213997_1_) { Item item = p_213997_1_.getItem(); if (p_213997_1_.isEmpty()) { return 0; } else { if(getBurnTimes().containsKey(item)) { return getBurnTimes().get(item); } else { return 0; } } } ForgeHooks::getBurnTime already does this. There is no need to rewrite all this again. protected final IIntArray furnaceData = new IIntArray() { public int get(int index) { switch(index) { case 0: return JuicerTileEntity.this.burnTime; case 1: return JuicerTileEntity.this.recipesUsed; case 2: return JuicerTileEntity.this.cookTime; case 3: return JuicerTileEntity.this.cookTimeTotal; default: return 0; } } public void set(int index, int value) { switch(index) { case 0: JuicerTileEntity.this.burnTime = value; break; case 1: JuicerTileEntity.this.recipesUsed = value; break; case 2: JuicerTileEntity.this.cookTime = value; break; case 3: JuicerTileEntity.this.cookTimeTotal = value; } } There's no point in doing all these. Use normal getters/setters instead. A lot of your field/method names are obfuscated names, which gives me the feeling that you are copying and pasting them without knowing what they do. Don't do this, as you will not learn this way. It also looks like you are following some (rather terrible) tutorials on YouTube due to the large amount of bad practices. Considering switching to a text-based tutorial.
  8. Google is your friend. A quick google showed this page regarding Java versions on the wiki: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Update_Java Basically point the Java in the launcher profile to your desired version of Java executable.
  9. In that case the problem should be on Pixelmon's performance impact. There is nothing we can do though. You might want to contact the author(s) of Pixelmon about the problem.
  10. I have never encountered that situation. That sounds very weird. Are you sure that you've selected a directory superior to the texture directory before refreshing? The refresh function only refreshes the selected directory and all subdirectories of it (unless there is nothing selected, in which case I think it will update all project files).
  11. There isn't much of a difference other than setting up Gradle. However Eclipse does not automatically refresh project files when they are changed on disk. You don't have to. If you manually changed something on disk (outside of Eclipse), you can refresh the project files to publish the new changes. This won't be necessary. Simply right click in the files viewer in Eclipse and click "Refresh".
  12. What version of Minecraft are you using?
  13. Use Forge 28.1.56 (as specified on the Optifine changelog).
  14. https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/120229/how-do-you-allocate-more-ram-to-minecraft
  15. The low FPS is probably due to pixelmon’s rendering. Have you tried using Forge without Pixelmon?
  16. Please read the EAQ and post the debug.log.
  17. @Crare1 is probably right here. The lag you are experiencing might not have to do with world gen at all. There is no way to tell without a profiler/mods that profile lags. My bad I didn't see the reply.
  18. You ran out of memory. Give the game more memory.
  19. Immersive Engineering's problem. Try updating the mod. If the crash persists then remove the mod and contact its author.
  20. Post your code. It sounds like you are reaching across logical sides. Make sure you are calling World#getServer from the server side.
  21. The project files inside Eclipse won't refresh on its own. Make sure you refresh your project files every time you change them on disk. I don't think Eclipse (or any IDE) will change its configurations on its own.
  22. I haven’t looked into the code yet, but one way I could think of is to replace the vanilla armor item with your own implementation (by overriding registry and value in Items class). There might be other better ways to do so, but I am not aware of them.
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