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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. 1. Personally, I don't see the point of extending EntityChicken in the first place, as I'm pretty sure "angry birds" behave very differently from chicken (unless you are planning to make it otherwise). If you are planning to override EntityChicken but change/override a significant amount of methods to change its behavior, I would suggest to just build a new mob from scratch instead. 2. Look in EntityChicken and see how the chicken handles it. Hint:
  2. How many times have you tried blowing up your block with TNT? Does the block still not blow up throughout many tests? Resistance is multiplied by 3.0. Therefore, you should set the resistance value to desiredValue / 3. The code for Block#setResistance: /** * Sets the the blocks resistance to explosions. Returns the object for convenience in constructing. */ public Block setResistance(float resistance) { this.blockResistance = resistance * 3.0F; return this; }
  3. ... Please, learn java. You wrote the constructor yourself; you define what goes in the parenthesis. In 1.12.2, tile entities must have a constructor that takes in no parameters. In 1.13.2, tile entities must have a constructor that takes in a TileEntityType. Create you constructor(s) accordingly.
  4. 1. Stop using static initializers. 2. Stop using BlockBases. 3. Post the constructor of you BlockBase.
  5. The crash log should have changed. Post the new crash log with astral sorcery removed.
  6. Are you using the newest version of astral sorcery? If the newest version of astral sorcery is still causing the crash, report the crash to the author of the mod.
  7. 1. I'm assuming you typed "gradlew", which brings up the "info" of the gradlew file. If you are looking to set up your workspace, type "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace" followed by "gradlew eclipse". Entering "gradlew <something>" means running the "gradlew" file with "<something>" as argument(s); leaving "<something>" blank will show the default message (welcome message). 2. The tutorial you are following is terrible. I suggest you to drop it and follow other ones instead. Examples being: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample
  8. Try importing the annotation manually: import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config; If that fails to import, it is likely that something went wrong during the setup of the workspace. In that case, try setting up the workspace again.
  9. That's straw man. The "example" was more like: You are mistaking "example" with "do this". I assumed that you know basic java and programming concepts, as the forum rules stated.
  10. ... I didn't tell you to copy that code; I said you should read the post and understand the concept behind it. Forge, like all other api, follows the fundamentals of java and programming. I answered this in my first reply.
  11. In fact, your problem can be solved easily with google. The first result on google for searching up “counter in java”: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43900032/how-the-counter-works-very-basic-java You might want to learn to search on google effectively, as searching problems on google comes in handy when programming.
  12. Check the lang file and make sure the name on the left side of the equal sign matches the unlocalized name of the block.
  13. Your ore block should be working now; however, the item form of it is missing a model. Create a model for the item form of your ore. The tutorial you are following should cover creating a model for item.
  14. Google cannot read your mind and serve you with the perfect working code on a silver plate. Learn from the results on google and construct your own code. The concept of a counter is very straightforward; google should be more than enough to learn from. Rudeness is what you get for wanting to copy/paste working code without learning and failing to follow simple instructions.
  15. You create a class extending tile entity. You might want to look up the docs first though.
  16. Can you send a link to your repo? I suspect that you put the model json in the wrong place.
  17. Also, if you are using version 1.13.2, the recipes folder moved to resources/data/modid/recipes. If this is not the case, then there is something wrong in your recipe json. The log should tell you what went wrong.
  18. You never add your registry handler class to the game’s event bus, so your registry handlers are never called. To fix the problem, annotate your registry handler class with @EventBusSubscriber. Apart from that, there are some bad practices in your code: Stop using ItemBase and BlockBase (abusing inheritance). Do not use static initializers (likely to cause unpredictable errors). Stop using IHasModel (all items and blocks have models, thus the IHasModel interface is unnecessary). The detailed reasons are listed here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/61757-common-issues-and-recommendations/
  19. DavidM


    Why? Other people can’t figure out what went wrong if they cannot see your code. Moreover, you should only use reflection to find the method (EntityRenderer#loadShader in this case) once and store it in a static field, as reflections are very resource consuming.
  20. I have an IBakedModel. I would like to render it in a GUI. What is the best way to approach this?
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