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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. They are all IDEs; their aim is the same: make programming easier. There might be some difference in the features of the IDEs, but they are fundamentally the same. Which IDE to use completely depends on your personal preference; it is almost like the question “Pepsi or Coke?” Also, in the future, please create another thread for questions that are not relevant to the current thread. P.S. Pepsi is terrible.
  2. Accelerate in direction: Entity#addVelocity. Get looking direction: Entity#getLookVec.
  3. Don’t. Have you created a language file? Also, include your mod id in unlocalized names to prevent conflicts with other mods.
  4. Copy/paste the content of the log. Stop trying to upload it. EDIT: I meant paste the content into a gist, not as forum posts.
  5. 1.8 is no longer supported on this forum. Even if 1.8 is still supported, your post did not include any logs/detail informations/screenshots about your problem. How are you expecting us to help you?
  6. Your (external) IP as well as the port your server is hosted on.
  7. Your log clearly indicates that you are running the game with mods.
  8. Send a screenshot of your server folder. Also make sure: Your commande prompt is in the correct directory. Your jar file is named correctly.
  9. The BiomesYouGo mod is made with mcreator and is broken. Remove it and tell the author to make a real mod.
  10. If you meant adding capes via your mod, then I wouldn’t recommend it. Mojang don’t like modders messing around with capes.
  11. Your log never mentioned anything about unsupported version. Try reading the log yourself first, as it is telling you exactly what is wrong: Hint:
  12. 1. Why would putting mods in different directories has effects on the loading speed? 2. Forge 1.13.2 loads mods in parallel, if that is what you are suggesting.
  13. I don’t know much about creating automations on the client side with forge, but your idea seems very complicated as it requires: - Automatically navigating the player to nearby chests. - Identifying the item in the item frame. - Open the chest and count the items in it. Keep in mind that you are doing these on the client side. To be honest, I wouldn’t attempt to create such an automation, as there are simply too much aspects to consider and too many things that could go wrong. To be honest, I wouldn’t encourage you to make client-side bots in the first place.
  14. Create your own thread! You’ve spam two threads from 4 years ago that is completely irrelevant to your problem. You are not going to receive any help by hijacking other’s thread.
  15. Your problem is completely irrelevant with this. Stop hijacking threads. Create your own thread.
  16. Subscribe to RenderPlayerEvent.Post, get capabilities from the player in the event, and do your custom rendering.
  17. Here are some good tutorials to get started with: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample Avoid tutorials on YouTube (personal opinion), as most youtube tutorials have terrible practices (fact). I've personally went through the horrible experience of adapting to the conventions of youtube tutorials and had to gone back to rewrite thousands of lines of code.
  18. Have you fixed the problems we've pointed out though?
  19. Always download your mods from CurseForge. Avoid sites like 9minecraft, as they do not have permission from the mod authors for hosting their mods (which is illegal in the first place). In addition, sites like 9minecraft can edit the mod file and turn it into a malicious program, which can harm your computer. Moreover, mods on 9minecraft are not up-to-date, making them buggy and likely to cause error. Read more at: https://stopmodreposts.org.
  20. No. The limit is determined by your computer. Post your log. It sounds like you have a few broken/wrong version mods. Also, where did you download your mods?
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