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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. What are you trying to achieve? Why are you trying to manually access files?
  2. In your case, you don't need to change anything in the vanilla shears class. Make an implementation of IRecipe.
  3. Check your constructor. Also, make sure you know java before trying to make a mod.
  4. Your log indicates that you did not. If you can't upload a screenshot for whatever reason, please describe the hierarchy of your server folder in text (although a screenshot would be much better). I'm suspecting that you have put the mods folder in the wrong directory.
  5. You know... probably... learn from the tutorial I've given you at least 3 times?
  6. No. His approach is with tile entities, as well as making all 16^6 colors, which is completely different from mod in the link.
  7. Where did you see that? I’m guessing you did not download Optifine from the official website.
  8. I am 90% sure that optifine is not installed by dragging into the mods folder. AFAIK Optifine does not have a forge version for Minecraft 1.13.2.
  9. 1. It is unlikely that someone has created exactly what you are trying to create before. You really should try making it yourself. 2. Judging by your previous posts (which strongly indicate that you have little idea on what is going on), I suspect that you want to copy/paste working code from others. This is highly discouraged on this forum. You need to learn how to create tile entities and TESRs, and work toward your goal yourself. It will not benefit you to just copy code from others.
  10. No. IBlockState#getBlock returns the block (or in your case, the block at the position that is being checked). Compare the return value of IBlockState#getBlock to whatever block you want.
  11. https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe20_tileentity_data The effect you are trying to achieve is not remotely similar to the leather armor of vanilla minecraft. I don't see why you are looking in there. ... wtf? Please make sure you understand what you are doing before trying to implement your ideas into your code. Seeing how you want to create 16^6 different colors (and how lost you currently are), I suggest you to ditch the entire "IBlockColor" idea and do everything with tile entities and TESRs instead. You can implement it like how Cadiboo suggested:
  12. There isn't an example for everything. You need to learn to read documentations. Here is the forge documentation on events: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events/intro/
  13. Tile Entity. We've never told you to do that. They are separate. There are plenty of examples out there on tile entities. If you are looking for how to use a TESR. Here is a tutorial on that: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe21_tileentityspecialrenderer.
  14. Why are you adding unzipped mod files to your mods folder?
  15. Why exactly are you setting the burnTime to a constant value? All you have to do is to change all fuel detecting code in your tile entity to block detecting code. I literally just told you in my previous post; check if world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() gives the block you want.
  16. Alright. Your code is... a mess. I blame the poor and misleading tutorial that you are following. There are a lot of repetition in your code, especially in your BlockBase, which might led to repeated registration. In addition, there are a lot of unnecessary code, as well as purposeless interfaces and helper classes. I would suggest you to rewrite your mod (only the java part, everything in your resources folder is fine) and follow a better tutorial. As for your texture problem: This is a great example of why you shouldn't be using IHasModel, BlockBase, and ItemBase. Your stair block extended BlockStair, which is normal. However, since your model registry handler only register the models of those which implement IHasModel, the model of your stair block isn't registered at all. Fixes: The fast way (and wrong way, but it would work): make your stairs implement IHasModel. The correct way: Ditch the (terrible) tutorial you are following, start everything from scratch, and register items, blocks, and models the proper way. Here's a good text-based tutorial for reference: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/
  17. 1. Post your log. 2. Stop using ItemBase or BlockBase. These are terrible practices taught by poor tutorials. 3. Clean up your repo with .gitignore.
  18. No. That is not a fair judgement to make. Optimizations, data structures and algorithms exist for a reason. "Cargo cult proogramming" is one phrase; you are misinterpreting the meaning of it.
  19. ...What...the... Any specific reasons to use getters and setters with an id instead of the normal getters and setters? (... Stylish) I would still strongly suggest to use normal getters and setters instead, as using ids is pointless and can be very confusing. In addition, your update method is a mess. Clean it up, as there are a lot of redundant and unnecessary checks. The most straight-forward way is to check the positions of the places where you want blocks to be around the furnace. Use World#getStateAtPos and IBlockState#getBlock (cannot remember the exact name) or something.
  20. Why are you trying to set a tag of the compound to itself?
  21. The easiest way would be to create an event handler for LivingDropsEvent, and detect the item held in the player's hand. If all conditions match, spawn the drop(s) at the position of the event (the position of the EntityLiving that was killed). What you are trying to create sounds very similar to Draconic Evolution's mob soul system. You might want to check out Brandon's code for it here.
  22. 1. Post your repo (as well as your log). 2. As far as I can tell (without referring to your repo and log), you did not include a model json in your models/item directory. EDIT: Just checked the tutorial you've mentioned. Stop following it, as it has a lot of terrible practices. A lot of modding tutorials on youtube are poor and misleading (due to their cargo cult programming). Most of the good tutorials are text-based, here's one for example: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/
  23. 1.6.4 is too old and therefore is no longer supported on this forum. Update to a newer version of Minecraft to receive support.
  24. Both of your requests cannot be accomplished for a client only mod. There is already a mod that does that: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/no-mob-spawning-on-trees No (AFAIK).
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