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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Jarofdoom

  1. Error logs. We need them. Please do not post again in this thread unless it contains an error log, I'm sure Overmind'll warn you if you do...
  2. Have you tried running it with those so called 'errors'?
  3. Not being rude, but you need to learn Java before attempting to write a mod. The files are fairly self-explanatory...
  4. We can't help unless you stacktrace or errorlog. WE have also been very helpful to other users who at least make an effort. (i.e. not you)
  5. Forge is FOSS. You can do whatever the hell you like with it within the terms of the license agreement. Read it here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/forge/licence.txt
  6. This is not bukkit support. Please go and ask on the bukkit forums.
  7. The reason for that error has been reported before to be an outdated copy of the mod that allows tou to use all 4096 block IDs supported by Anvil. Did you install some mod that contained '4096' in the name?
  8. Update 4096 fix.
  9. 1) You paid for a pre-modded MC1.2.5?!? 2) To run a server, you need to remove ModLoaderMp, as it is incompatible with Forge Server. Make sure you are using the appropriate files in the right jars.
  10. What about spawning the TNT in the onBlockRemoval function? Perhaps a rudimentary check to check that a neighbouring block is fire too.
  11. What? I swear vanilla TNT has this behaviour, so if you extend it properly, your TNT should explode too
  12. http://minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,48.0.html This is exactly the same issue. Please read that topic thoroughly.
  13. Got it working with this order: ModLoader -> Forge -> Optifine Smooth -> Nitrous.jar/Installer.exe
  14. Have you satisfied the dependencies of the shaders? (Namely Optifine)
  15. You need to install _all_ of your .jar mods first. THEN run the Nitrous.jar Shader patcher.
  16. Not looked in much detail, but what was your install order? It should be ModLoader->AudioMod->Forge
  17. Submit a Pull Request on Github.
  18. Perhaps there's an underlying mod conflict, your best chance is to look for known conflicts, if no luck, try pulling mods out. YOu do have a _lot_ of mods on...
  19. Nah, just looked into more detail at the error message. Not 100% sure what's going on now... I assumed the net.java.game was the issue :-/ Not sure what's going an there as there is no stack trace printed... Anything in the minecraft window?
  20. You need to try the 'force update' feature of the launcher.
  21. Seems like your .jar is missing several resources... Try a fresh minecraft.jar
  22. Looking at your error log it appears that the problem lies in the lwjgl jars. Do you have JInput.jar in your bin folder?
  23. No. For further support, go to: http://mcportcentral.co.za/ as that is the support forum for the mod system you are using. Hope I helped point you in right direction.
  24. Then you're doing something wrong somewhere along the line.
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