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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. have you enabled the fall damage gamerule?
  2. Hello, I'm currently using item property overrides to "indicate" an item animation and it worked well. But I realized it will be a problem that I'm adding more and more similar items which each of the item will need about 10 models... and that does not sound quite nice, especially every property actually shares the same model only with different display rotation or translation. Is ItemStackTileEntityRenderer what I'm looking for (do I even need it)? Or is there a more simple of doing it?
  3. Since screen is client side only, changes done through the screen will only affect the client which server does not know anything from it (will not be saved), so you will need packets to tell the server what you've changed from client. And the reason for the works because you are making changes on server ( in tick() ), which it saves and knows what you've done.
  4. oh true, I said it because I can only find getBoundingBox() in 1.12, but apparently it isn't the right method anyways
  5. It looks like you are using 1.12 or some version other than 1.15/1.16? Also you are unlikely overriding any of the method provided. with new AxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.625 * 8, 1); 0.625 * 8 > 1, which in 1.12 is not workable because it only (I believe) takes float between 0~1 (pixels/16) btw 1.12 is not supported anymore
  6. see how vanilla screens do them in drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer() slots are in the container, and screen only shows what is in that container
  7. so it tells you your mob does not have the "maximum health" attribute which you will need to set them and Ash has a detailed walk through and explanation on this
  8. not so sure if "Windows 10 starter pack" is windows 10 version but
  9. use worldIn.getPendingBlockTicks().scheduleTick to tick
  10. the explosion particle is not the explosion particle you are thinking 😛 you need to create an instance of BlockParticleData and pass it into the first arg
  11. does setDamage() work? and have you check what the itemstack got actually is
  12. if (ctx.get().getSender() != null) { ... } CrudeTechMod.log("sender is null, side is " + (msg.fromServer?"Server":"Client")); if (this.world.isRemote) { GeneratorPacket.INSTANCE .sendToServer(new GeneratorPacket(this.energy.getEnergyStored(), this.burnTime, false, this.pos)); } INSTANCE.send(target, new GeneratorPacket(energy, burnTime, true, msg.pos));
  13. from my brief research it seems like in 1.16: properties.func_235861_h_() which should be in 1.15: properties.requiresTool() this used to be in the Material in 1.15, but not on 1.16 anymore means you may need to put that into your block properties yourself
  14. from my brief research it seems like in 1.16: properties.func_235861_h_() which should be in 1.15: properties.requiresTool() this used to be in the Material in 1.15, but not on 1.16 anymore means you may need to put that into your block properties yourself
  15. I did not find a best solution either, but from a previous post someone mentioned when the attack speed reached a certain level the animation will not play.. or very played in a very short time. and it worked
  16. RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler in client setup
  17. RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler in client setup This won't compile because it won't get called automatically...
  18. Minecraft.getInstance().player.rotationPitch=Minecraft.getInstance().player.rotationPitch+recoil_pitch; Minecraft.getInstance().player.rotationYaw=Minecraft.getInstance().player.rotationYaw+recoil_yaw; if(!world.isRemote) { world.addEntity(bullet); this.AMMO--; worldIn.playSound(null, playerIn.getPosition(), GunSoundEvents.SOUND_shot_Colt1911, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1.0F, 1.0F); } these won't work Minecraft does not exist on servers and I assume these code are inside your item class, this.AMMO--; won't work either because there is only one item, and multiple itemstacks also if you look into arrow entity
  19. Is it not spawning or not being rendered?
  20. try check for isSneaking instead of isCrouching because it seems like isCrouching is only being used by client
  21. so I ended up comparing them myself protected static boolean isOnSameTeam(PlayerEntity player, PlayerEntity player2) { return player.getTeam() != null && player.getWorldScoreboard().getTeam(player.getTeam().getName()).getMembershipCollection().contains(player2.getScoreboardName()); }
  22. They should be the same as 1.15 shoot(double x, double y, double z, float velocity, float inaccuracy)
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