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Everything posted by sciwhiz12

  1. Generally, this is an error resulting from something other than Minecraft closing your connection. Please inform your server hosts that this is most likely a problem on their side, as Forge does not modify the networking stack of Minecraft. If the hosts insist that this is a Forge issue, first try running the vanilla Minecraft server. If that's causing issues still, then it's a network problem, most likely. From the post title, see the Forge FAQ about SpongeForge.
  2. 1.12 is not supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  3. Please provide more information. We cannot help you without information. What version of Minecraft? Version of Forge? What do you mean by 'the mods don't run'? Do you have a debug.log file to upload? If so, please upload it using a paste site.
  4. Please upload the logs/debug.log file using a pastebin site (Pastebin, Hastebin, GitHub Gists).
  5. Then the issue lies at the developer of the device which is causing issues with GLFW's input detection mechanisms. Again, we cannot diagnose the issue properly since we have no access to the device causing these issues.
  6. This issue looks similar to MC-132113, where the player found that his bluetooth device's drivers caused a crash similar to yours. Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this issue without the exact device that is causing the crash. If you are able, please describe the bluetooth device in detail: the brand name, if you bought it from official brand stores, the model number and type of device. This way, if someone does have a similar or exact device, we may be able to get more information.
  7. 1.12 is not supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  8. Minecraft is single-threaded, IntelliJ is not (as far as I know). IntelliJ (and, generally, your computer) will benefit from multiple cores, but Minecraft will mostly benefit from high single-core speeds.
  9. 1.12 is not supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  10. I have verified that two bugs exists, and have filed issues on the tracker: #6934 and #6935.
  11. I'm investigating this problem, and I found two separate issues when testing this: Two identically used pickaxes in the crafting grid does not repair both of them into a new pickaxe. Two identically used pickaxes in the grindstone does not repair, but instead outputs the same damaged pickaxe but in a stack of 2. However, the two identically used pickaxes do repair in the anvil for me. I will conduct more testing for the anvil repair, but I will file two issues for the two above. Also, please rename the title to something more appropriate: "[1.16.1] Issues with repairing tools" is my suggestions.
  12. There is an ongoing effort in creating a spreadsheet for 1.16 mappings. It is not complete, and will be eventually merged into the MMMS (Mod Mapping Management System, a replacement for MCPBot). Although the effort is not complete, and not all names in the spreadsheet have been verified (to not include Official mappings because of licensing poison), a snapshot of those verified names have been produced and now is being hosted by Forge. (For details, look through the #mcpconfig and #mms channels on Discord) Note that this is a manual upload of the mappings, the same as the first mapping. MCPBot will not recognize these names.
  13. Use LazyOptional#map and LazyOptional#orElse. private boolean returnFromACapability() { return player.getCapability(CapabilityProvider.SOME_CAP).map(cd -> { return cd.getBooleanValue(); }).orElse(false); }
  14. Try overriding Block#getRenderShape() and returning VoxelShapes.empty().
  15. private static final VoxelShape SHAPE = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d, 8.0d, 8.0d, 8.0d); // 8.0d == 8 pixels @Override public VoxelShape getShape(BlockState state, IBlockReader worldIn, BlockPos pos, ISelectionContext context) { return SHAPE; } Change the call of Block.makeCuboidShape as you see fit.
  16. Use Block.makeCuboidShape to make the VoxelShape for your block (takes x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 0F to 16F) in a static final. Override Block#getShape and return that VoxelShape.
  17. Please remove the project from Eclipse, then run `gradlew eclipse genEclipseRuns` in your project's directory, then re-import the project into Eclipse.
  18. I have verified this bug, and have filed a bug report: #6925.
  19. I'm not part of the Forge team, core, triage, moderation or otherwise. I just like volunteering my time to help the Forge project.
  20. I'm investigating this problem, and it seems that ForgeIngameGui is missing some null checks that are present in vanilla. Once I verify this bug and find steps to reproduce it, I'll file an issue on GitHub and make a PR.
  21. Please be patient. People will look at your logs and help diagnose your problem, but it takes time.
  22. I have verified that this bug exists and have filed a bug report on the Forge GitHub: #6917.
  23. The Weather2 mod is for version 1.12.2. 1.12.2 is not supported on these forums. Please update to a modern version to receive support.
  24. You are on the wrong forum; see the `Modder Support` sub-forum. Please state what version of Minecraft you are coding for when posting. Please post the relevant code that you've written when asking for support. Generally, we discourage copy-pasting code from mods or following video tutorials, as they are most likely outdated or using a discourage coding practice. A good recommendation for a recent, good tutorial series is by McJty, the modder for RFTools.
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