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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Busti

  1. Opengl is set to orthogonal projection in Inventory's make sure to set and reset it when you render the model: GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_PROJECTION); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW);
  2. This should be the right method in the WorldInfo class for ou to use... /** * Allow access to additional mod specific world based properties * Used by FML to store mod list associated with a world, and maybe an id map * Used by Forge to store the dimensions available to a world * @param additionalProperties */ public void setAdditionalProperties(Map<String,NBTBase> additionalProperties) Edit: There is also a getAdditionalProperties method...
  3. Don't you have to return the right Texture / Icon in "getSideIcon(" ?
  4. Tinkers construct made a custom Inv and they have a github... It should point you to the right direction: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct
  5. You have to create your own recipe handler by implementing IRecipe into a new class and registering it as a normal recipe: GameRegistry.addRecipe(new YourRecipeClass());
  6. It strongly depends on your own opinion. There are as far as I know no global standards on how to log especially not in Minecraft because nobody really cares about it. But it is good to give it some structure. I wouldn't log an Error as an INFO because it is much easier to read for the user / programmer in case something went wrong. Most of the time you wont need to log something anyways because logs (especially Debugging messages) just spam the console. For instance a TileEntity logging its position. When an Error occurs you should log it as an Error as long as it doesn't crash the game or creates world damage (that would probably be a "Fatal") and log the Stacktrace with it so the user / programmer can see where the problem is and avoid / debug it. A common usage for the ERROR level is in try-catch blocks where an Error wont crash the game but still would create some trouble. I commonly use these LEVELS... FATAL: Errors that will crash the game. ERROR: Errors that have to be debugged or occur randomly in try-catch blocks. WARN: Things that are not really normal but wont throw an exception. INFO: Information for the end User, for instance printing the mod version. DEBUG: Messages from debugging... (I have a config Flag for a debug mode) As I said it strongly depends on your opinion and can vary. - Busti
  7. I'm orienting myself at Project Red... The different mods are not like "SubMods" but more like different Components... I am just trying to find out how Project Red managed to create multiple .info files for every component. https://github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/tree/master/resources
  8. I guess an image is good for explanation here: http://puu.sh/arW3I.png
  9. Hello, is it possible to give the mcmod.info file another name? For example core_mod.info and if so where can I set it? I would like to create a specific .info file for every child mod of my mod... - Busti
  10. I guess you have to add it as a "Sub Item Thingie" as you would for example add custom Wool: When you have actually created a SubItem in the Process of making your mod you could just add this to the Item class: @Override public void getSubItems(Item item, CreativeTabs tab, List subItems) { ItemStack is = new ItemStack(All the Information nessesary for the Spawn egg); //You might have to add NBT Data to the stack... subItem.add(is); }
  11. I hate to be that guy but: Where is your problem? And please surround your Code with [code] [/code] because it is much easier to read...
  12. Where are you getting your config file path from? I got mine from "event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()" in the MOD class.
  13. GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(Base.blockLifeBasin), new Object[]{ "XWX", "ZYZ", "XVX", 'X', new ItemStack(Item.bone), 'Y', new ItemStack(Block.glass), 'Z', new ItemStack(Block.slowSand), 'V', new ItemStack(118 or 380), 'W', new ItemStack(Block.daylightSensor)});
  14. I searched a bit through Minecrafts code and when you craft a cauldron it actually creates an ItemBlock and not a Block-Item ... That would mean that you could try Item.cauldron instead Block.cauldron. Or you could use the ID of the Cauldron block and create an Itemstack off that ID. Which would be 118 or 380. You just have to replace "Block.cauldron" in your original recipe by one of those ID's.
  15. You can try: GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(Base.blockLifeBasin), new Object[]{ "XWX", "ZYZ", "XVX", 'X', new ItemStack(Item.bone), 'Y', new ItemStack(Block.glass), 'Z', new ItemStack(Block.slowSand), 'V', Block.cauldron, 'W', new ItemStack(Block.daylightSensor)}); Sorry the Idea with the unlocalized name was my mistake. I didn't noticed that you are using 1.6.4
  16. I didn't know about the functionality of the Config buttons because I concentrated on other things recently since ID's aren't a problem anymore
  17. You have to actually load the Config file after creating it: public static void loadConfiguration() { configuration.load(); ...
  18. Have you tried using the unlocalized name instead of an ItemStack?
  19. The Button is grayed out for me as well... It seems like it is a WIP or you have to implement it yourself. The error itself seems to be coming from your config class. Check if your config file is actually doing something (Being generated / accepting values), try to print out your config values and change them to see if they are actually being read. But just an error (especially this) isn't enough to help you. Any code would be great
  20. Wiredly some of the mods in /libs are loaded even though they are not imported and some are not even when I import them. In that case I have to put them into /eclipse/mods... I haven't had that problem in 1.7.0. I could just import everything from /libs and it was working as if I put it into the /eclipse/mods folder and the mods in /libs weren't loaded automatically
  21. When I put the mods in there they are duplicates from the ones that are in /libs...
  22. Because they somehow are...? I tried to install ForgeMultipart (with CodeChickenCore and NEI) FMP and NEI load but I get a message that CCC is missing (And yes they load without me importing them as librarys[and yes CCC didnt load even though I imported it]) Is somebody already working with FMP in 1.7.10 and have you had that problem too? Thanks
  23. The Emerald is not a valid "Tool Item" you should use the existing tiers e.g. Diamond and just use emeralds in the recipe...
  24. That could work but it would just move the player around and wont make the chicken "rideable"...
  25. Disabling mods at runtime isn't even an option since the mods are registered in the games tick handlers... But hasn't Waila that option to disable the gui with a shortcut?
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