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Luis_ST last won the day on December 1 2024

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    I'm a helpful person, I'll do my best to fix your problems.
    I know a lot, but unfortunately not everything.

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  1. You have to create a new DamageSource
  2. You have to move the method call #registerExtensionPoint into a separate class, because the Function within the Supplier accepts a Screen object, whereby you load the Screen class, which then causes the error. ModLoadingContext.get().registerExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint.CONFIGGUIFACTORY, () -> (mc, screen) -> new ModConfig());
  3. First of all i do not recommend you to include you mod as a jar file, it's recommend to publish it to a local maven repository which you then include in your other projects. Secondly, I don't recommend you use native code with Minecraft. I have already tried this but have found that this can lead to terrible errors. I have tested the whole thing myself in my IDE and it works for me in IntelliJ: repositories { // ... flatDir { dirs("libs") // jar file must be in "<project_root>/libs" } // ... } dependencies { // ... implementation fg.deobf("blank:MC-AStar:1.20:1.0") // File pattern must be <name>-<mc_version>-<dependency_version> // ... }
  4. You can not send a callback using the vanilla packet system you have to send a new one as replay.
  5. You can get the Block using Level#getBlockState and then BlockState#getBlock to get the raw block.
  6. Could you use the mod during develop in this case?
  7. Try to add the OptionsRowList with Screen#addRenderableWidget in the init method.
  8. When using vanille you have to lerp the model part using partialTicks and two calculated values. In GeckoLib I don't know. You have to use a dynamic model based on some properties like from a player capability
  9. Post the error you get when you compile the project
  10. The only thing I noticed when debugging is that you use System.out for logging. I would recommend you to use the logger from the mdk because you get information like time, thread or the file directly to the output.
  11. Just the file name, you already told gradle where to find the .jar file:
  12. Please also include the imports.
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