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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. It doesn't appear that there is a way to override the vanilla rendering of falling block entities and that renderer does not take into account two-pass blocks. So I end up with this: http://s24.postimg.org/nxzjt9jud/2014_12_19_15_29_04.png[/img] The block is supposed to look like Cobblestone. My block left, cobble stone right: http://s15.postimg.org/nimb1uzqj/2014_12_19_15_31_06.png[/img] Just another reason why I wanted to pre-multiply the original texture with an overlay.
  2. getBlock != getBlockState getBlockState in 1.8 is equivalent to getBlockMetadata in 1.7, based on what I understand of the changes.
  3. Yes, hit the jar with JD GUI, that will decompile it into near-readable source and you'll be able to figure out what he used.
  4. That's not how you compare Item Stacks. You should, in this case, be doing hand.getItem() == Items.dirt
  5. JD GUI does a great job. The only thing it can't recover is the friendly names for vanilla methods and fields (you get SRG names and have to do a manual lookup on each one* but class names come through just fine). *Speaking of, while I have the methods.csv and fields.csv for 1.6.4, I can't find the srg <-> friendly names list for 1.7.x
  6. if(player.isSneaking) { ... } ? (or is it player.capabilities.isSneaking , I can't remember)
  7. The answer is yes: Forge does it, there's a log message on startup that says, "running in a deobfuscated environment, either it won't work properly or you're in dev.
  8. When it inflicts the damage, inflict it as coming from the player that threw it. Arrows do this, I believe, as does TNT.
  9. Note: In pass 1, alpha below 0.1 is also drawn as fully transparent. It's really annoying.
  10. My first suggestion would be to tell the block to render in Pass == 1 (transparent pass) but that would just alter the transparency problem, not the bounds problem. The bounds problem I believe needs to be fixed by adding bounds parameters to the model json.
  11. I can do a two-pass render and have OpenGL do the blending, sure. But the question I asked was if I could get access to the texture data and prebake the overlay, saving the result as an iicon. I'm not averse to mucking around with bitmap data. I've done run-time graphics before, for different things (one was a DynamicTexture object which was drawn in a GUI and , the other was procedural graphic sprites done in Flash). The former is inappropriate for a block texture, as the texture is not dynamic: it's two static images pre-rendered into a single icon. The latter is more appropriate, but I don't know how to do that within Minecraft's iicon system.
  12. At least the rotation isn't handled in quaternions. (If anyone legitimately understands how to rotate things in quaternions: you're abnormal)
  13. Ok, yeah, I'm not sure how that's going to help me at all. What I want to do is take an icon that isn't mine (vanilla stone and the 1.8 stones supplied by Gany's Surface--if present--as I'm still working with 1.7.10) and modify them based on block metadata so that they have different appearances, as the metadata versions have different behaviors. I want to take two sets of texture data: http://s10.postimg.org/5ut5g05r9/stone_overlay_0.png[/img]http://s15.postimg.org/u92typ1x3/stone_overlay_1.png[/img]http://s15.postimg.org/iy06abv1z/stone_overlay_5.png[/img] And combine them into a single set of texture data, so that I can supply 7 overlays and generate the required 8 icons (original, original/overlay1, original/overlay2, etc) without having to do this: Which was a huge pain in the ass, as I kept screwing up and having to redo it.
  14. Sounds like you should get Mystcraft.
  15. I have yet to see any sensible reason why BlockPostion and BlockState was adopted over x/y/z and metadata. A modder still needs to translate from block state to metadata and back (or in some cases other states modifying values in a tile entity). Texturing likewise got more complicated and as of yet there's no sensible way to register textures either. I mean seriously: Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(obliteratorAxe, 0, new ModelResourceLocation("perstools:obliteratorAxe", "inventory")); WTF.
  16. Oh you're right it is. But it's apparently too good to be listed in the "list of all versions" drop down. Instead you have to scroll the page, past the recommended listing for half a dozen versions to link that takes you to a separate page. Which I might add, is below the bottom of my browser window.
  17. Well i looked at files.minecraftforge.net which did not have a1.8 branch. Looking at the GitHub was not an obvious place to look
  18. Well, seeing as only FML is updated for 1.8 and EnumHelper is a Forge class, my guess is... Reflection. Or wait for Forge.
  19. Look at the pressure plate. It does something entirely different and way more reliable.
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