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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbtTag = new NBTTagCompound(); this.writeToNBT(nbtTag); return new Packet132TileEntityData(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 1, nbtTag); } public void onDataPacket(INetworkManager net, Packet132TileEntityData packet) { readFromNBT(packet.data); }
  2. Well your collision boxes for cases 0 and 2 are still only 1x1x1 in size, as xMin and xMax (ditty y and z) are based on block bounds, which ranges from 0...to 1. That and I think the x/y/z location is included. Meaning you're creating a collision box off in the middle of nowhere.
  3. Don't use config files, there's better ways to do it. 1) Use the player's already existent entityData. This is an NBT tag that all entities have that you can read and write any information you want to, to it and it will be saved in the user's profile, just like their inventory. 2) Use separate NBT data files. More difficult, but certainly doable. I did this for one mod because the data was per-world based, but tended to be "massive" in size, so having it remain loaded in memory all the time was not good, so the per-world storage that's given by IExtendedProperties wasn't going to work. Basically create a file reference and then run the file through CompressedStreamTools.
  4. Private video is private. Anyway, try setting a color, GL11.glColor_f(1, 1, 1, 1)
  5. You have an AABB code, but what's the problem? All you did is go "Ok, I did this" but didn't explain what's still wrong.
  6. *Groan* No it's not. You need a f*ing reference to an instance of the World class to be able to setBlock. You can't do that with the World class itself. You're basically trying to do this: Integer integer = 10; Integer += 1; //this makes no f*ing sense Except that the first line is missing entirely.
  7. Well, you originally got no trees because neither snow nor ice are a valid block for trees to grow on. The second problem I can't diagnose, as you didn't include the code, but you need to specify the material the trees are made out of.
  8. The dude with five posts figured it out. You (the original poster) need to go learn Java before tinkering around with Minecraft some more. This is a basic concept you need to know before modding can begin.
  9. I use a new world less frequently than that. Usually only if I screw up royally. Generally that's any time it crashes on load.
  10. Sorry I misunderstood yours. I saw code and I saw code that wasn't doing anything useful, so I had to comment on its uselessness.
  11. Here's the line that is throwing the error phoenix.render((Entity)data[1], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0625f); Hmm. Lets see. The only object here is phoenix, lets go see where that's used elsewhere. protected ModelPhoenixBlastereModel phoenix; THAT'S FUNNY, ITS NEVER ASSIGNED A VALUE. LAWL. NO WONDER IT'S NULL!
  12. See that f=16 part? That makes the explosion bigger.
  13. @Override public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound) { // here you are creating a new tag NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); // and here you save data to the new tag nbt.setTag(EXT_MEC, this.IMEC.saveInventoryToNBT()); //but lets forget to do anything with our variable nbt later // but the tag in the parameter, 'compound', is the tag that will be loaded // you need to save to the tag given by the method parameter: compound.setTag(EXT_MEC, IMEC.saveInventoryToNBT()); //and just duplicate the effort instead! }
  14. Has it occurred to you that you offset your explosion point from where the TNT actually sits?
  15. Use the GuiOpenEvent from forge to replace the MainMenu. Which requires copying GuiMainMenu. Which you said you don't want to do.
  16. Read your f*ing error. Null pointer at ItemRender line 45. Look at the f*ing code that's there and figure out which object is null. It's really f*ing obvious. (Hint, there's only one object there that is using references to its properties or methods)
  17. That would be the method you're already bitching about.
  18. The basic concept applies to 3D volumes in the same way.
  19. Your assets is not inside your source directory. I can't see, but there should be a folder called /resources that sits right next to /java inside your /src directory. Assets should be inside that.
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