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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Make all of your folder and file names all lower case letters.
  2. mochickens != moChickens Minecraft performs a toLowerCase on the string you pass it, but doesn't on folder and file names (which are case sensitive).
  3. That should be correct.
  4. new WorldGenMinable(CobaltOre.blockID, 10) And what's that?
  5. Rename the instance variable. That would fix it. I don't need to tell you how to fix it, because doing so would make me look patronizing.
  6. Are you calling Init()?
  7. You've overloaded your naming scheme. It can't tell the difference between CobaltBlock and CobaltBlock. (One of those is a class, the other is an instance of that class, which is which?)
  8. Wait, seriously, that one class is all you have? Dude, you need a main mod file, a block class, a tile entity class, the render class (which implies a common and client proxy), and the techne model class.
  9. https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/block/BlockSpikes.java You're probably creating the entity, but not getting the model to render, which is not a "TE is not working" it's a "you didn't register your renderers." https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/client/ClientProxy.java
  10. Look at Minecraft's worldgen package. There's a class for trees that takes blockIDs as a parameter.
  11. Item icons use a different sprite sheet from block icons.
  12. The second boolean is true IIF the item is in the hotbar.
  13. Item class's onUpdate function Apply potion effect
  14. MCmod.info: "dependencies": ["forge-"]
  15. What version of Forge do you have installed in your Minecraft?
  16. Forge's entire wiki is down, it's not Chrome.
  17. Usually something like event.cancel() where event is the event object. I haven't done a whole lot with events in Forge TBH, but that's the general idea.
  18. You can also specify a custom renderer if you need it, either an ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler (which is basically the standard cube renderer) or a TileEntitySpecialRenderer (for model based types). I wouldn't suggest looking at either in my code, the ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler I have is super complex and completely unnecessary for anything you'd be doing and you'd really want a basic Techne tutorial for models.
  19. This is why...I feel like it was IC2, but it might've been an addon, had a "teleporter remote control" item. You'd right click on one teleporter, then go to the second teleporter and right click again. Now the second one could send to the first one. (The item carried NBT data tags holding the relevant data!)
  20. Tile Entities are real easy. Change your existing class to extend BlockContainer rather than block, Eclipse will throw an error, just hover over it and take the suggested action ("add unimplemented methods"). We'll come back to this function in a minute. Create a new class, make it extend TileEntity. This is where the bulk of your block's code will go. The TE will handle everything, the "block" is just sort of an anchor. You'll want to take a look at the base TE class to see what methods it has by default, use what you need. Go back to your block class and in that new method that was created, change it from "return null" to make it return a new instance of your TE. (return new myTileEntity()). Some reference material: https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/tree/master/draco18s/artifacts/entity (Some of those are mobs, I use the same package for both just because I never have very many of either)
  21. Run recompile.bat Then run reobfuscate_srg.bat NOW your mod is compiled. The error you're getting isn't actually a problem, the problem is you aren't running the other half of the compile process.
  22. Squid pathfinding is "go down, that's it, down, yess....downwardssss...." AFAIK it doesn't actually care if there's water there or not, it just tries to sink.
  23. You'd probably have to write your own pathfinder and AI task class.
  24. It's not strange at all. Not. At. All.
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