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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. That is not how you call registerIcon. You're supposed to pass it a string in this format: "MODNAME:ITEMNAME" No .png, no full path.
  2. It's just a variable name that wasn't deobfuscated, like par1World or par2EntityPlayer. (par, short for "parameter." Then a number indicating which parameter: first, second, third, etc. Then the qualified class name. Not exactly readable)
  3. Have you updated the code in OP?
  4. a = 5; int a; What is the value of a?
  5. Open up BlockPumpkin and take a look at its registerIcons function.
  6. So. You started a new thread. You still have the same problem. And it's already been pointed out to you. Torso.mirror = false; Torso = new ModelRenderer(this, 28, 3); There is something wrong with this picture.
  7. What do you mean multi textured? Do you mean like wool? Or do you mean like pumpkins?
  8. I'd just like to point out that there is no way in hell you should have thought that your code would work: public void onEntityDrop(ModLivingDropsEvent event) { So this function takes a parameter of...your class. No red flags yet. Weird, but not--technically--incorrect. event.entityLiving Uh. Your class doesn't have that property. It only has public static double rand; Because ModLivingDropsEvent doesn't extend or implement any classes. So either: a) You gave 'event' the wrong type (as the above posters have pointed out, it should be LivingDropsEvent) b) You didn't properly extend a base class (e.g. ModLivingDropsEvent extends LivingDropsEvent, which in this case is unnecessary).
  9. I've seen evidence of people using it with Unity, just gotta figure out how to set up the workspace...
  10. ^I was about to post the same thing, but I thought I should scroll down to see if someone else did first. Took me a while but I got there eventually! http://www.sxc.hu/pic/m/o/om/omironia/394275_end_key.jpg[/img]
  11. Well... You're kind of in the wrong place... You need to report this to the mod author... And learn how to use the [ spoiler] tag........
  12. I used a tutorial to do this considering i have never added in a dimension before Still, tutorials are rarely perfect. You use them to get a handle on the basics. Use the javadocs and your errors to figure out how to fix things.
  13. Look at ItemRedstoneDust, IIRC that's the item that spawns the redstone wire block. (And then look at the BlockRedstoneWire class to see how the drops and blockPick work)
  14. Yeah that property totally doesn't exist. Use your javadocs.
  15. has par1.editingBlocks changed? Not knowing what type par1 is, I don't know. (Hint: "par1" is a generic name supplied by the decompiler)
  16. Yes it has. Instead of setBlock vs. setBlockWithNotify, they're now the same function that takes another parameter on the end. If you mouseover the error it'll tell you what's wrong. Read the javadocs on the new setBlock function for details on how to use it.
  17. I think you just need to add the chunk of the Techne java export that has the tessalator in it to the rendering function of the ISimpleblockRenderingHandler class. Or you could do what other items, like the brewing stand, do, and render a 2D item graphic.
  18. Pretty sure not. None of it refers to your code and I think I get that error to. That error is deep in the texture stitching code that turns all of our block and item PNGs into a single spritesheet (which doesn't effect mob textures, nor any texture directly referenced like you're doing).
  19. Just a hunch: Make a small, meaningless, change to the source code (e.g. add a debug statement, like System.out.println("Hello")) and run it again. When I was messing with GUIs, I noticed that I had to make a change to the code for the program to recompile with the new texture.
  20. My guess is this: @Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID, name = Reference.MOD_NAME, version = Reference.VERSION) I don't know if you can do that or not. Someone more knowledgeable than I would know. You also don't have an @Instance annotation, which may be at fault too.
  21. I tried to mouse-over a class name in Adobe Flash so I could quick-jump to its class so I could look at its public properties. Sigh. I want to set up Eclipse as my IDE for everything now; AS3, Javascript, UnityScript, HTML...
  22. Thanks, same to you: In other words: I was wrong, you were right. Satisfied? I saw that part, I was pointing out where I had been unambiguous about what I was talking about.
  23. public static void load(Configuration config) { config = configuration; Probably because you have a parameter which is named the same as a variable and trying to set it with a non-existant variable. Yup. Do this instead: public static void load(Configuration config) { this.config = config; It's still better to use different names for both, but that will work.
  24. @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true) This is insufficient for using GUIs. You need to specify packet handlers for client and server as well, even if they don't do anything (because your mod is just adding chest-like objects). If your GUI uses any kind of buttons or other functionality, you will need to pass data back and forth.
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