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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. 1.4.7 uses setItemName(...) for items and setBlockName(...) for blocks.
  2. Armor I haven't messed with. I believe they work differently from everything else GUIs don't do the registerIcon stuff. They use mc.renderEngine.bindTexture("full/path/to/texture.png") where the full path starts after "src/minecraft/" so if you want to put those textures in a gui folder next to your blocks and items, then you'd use: mc.renderEngine.bindTexture("/mods/MODNAME/textures/gui/GUI.png");
  3. getUnlocalizedName()
  4. public boolean isStackValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack itemstack) { return true; }
  5. I second this. Just because MC uses multiple IDs for something does not mean that is the only way to do it; frankly, Mojang is rather lazy when it comes to metadata use. The problem was not that "can you make multiple states without using more block IDs" but rather getting the light illumination level based on metadata. Doable, but it wasn't strait forward. See this thread for a working example.
  6. You haven't called setUnlocalizedName(...) in your block anywhere.
  7. Inside your block class. Inside its constructor. My example was slightly wrong, but all the necessary information was there.
  8. Pretty much this. You'll need two blocks for it to work, as how much light a block emits doesn't update based on state (or rather, it's very very difficult to get it to do so).
  9. @Override is only an annotation. A fancy comment that makes the IDE do extra error checking.
  10. And that didn't work, I think because it has 3 sides (front, top and side) Really? You can't figure the rest out on your own? The only unusual thing there is that I'm saving the result back to a location accessible from everywhere (that block exists solely to register a bunch of debug textures for general use). No, because it's all set in the Block class, along with hardness, resistance, and several other things.
  11. #13 http://s22.postimg.org/yx3yzq3td/Capture.png[/url] You would think that no one SEARCHES for this problem before posting.
  12. class Traderstone { setUnlocalizedName("TraderStone"); }
  13. Just checking, as I did put it in the wiki, but wasn't sure. If it isn't finding the texture, it'll put an error in the log about it.
  14. RedPower's filters and relays use this as well. Offhand I can't think of how it's done, though.
  15. I know enough to mod Minecraft myself. Still learning things about that system, even. I would never even bother thinking about trying to write my own program from scratch. And there's nothing wrong with that, but (generic) you need to have a basic understanding of programming to even get this far.
  16. This might help. Twelfth time I've posted it. Keeping in mind that blocks and items look for their textures in separate folders.
  17. No it isn't. Compare and contrast "DecayingWorld:green" and "nl/dabananaboat/projectbanana:BananaLogBottom"
  18. And for the eleventh time...
  19. You're not registering your icons properly.
  20. Won't work. All instances of the block would share textures. As soon as you placed a second one that was on top of a different block, the first one would change. (Tip: block classes are not instanced for each block in the world, there is only a single instance of every block class)
  21. This is not an easy thing to do. The Secret Rooms mod built an entire camo rendering system to do just this. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to replicate it inside my own mods.
  22. It's not just you, just so you know. My coworkers right now are repeating themselves at me. Coworker A: "[my name] do [obvious task]" Coworker B: "[my name] make sure you do [obvious task]" Me: "For the love of god, I heard Coworker A and I ALREADY KNOW THAT."
  23. They MUST add 256 to whatever is in the config, MUST MUST MUST MUST. The Minecraft internal code interprets the configs as being incorrect and offsets them by 256. It does this automatically all the time every time and the in-game IDs will NEVER EVER match up unless a mod author de-offsets them themselves. I don't know what's so hard to understand about this. IDs are offset for items. It is don't automatically BY MINECRAFT.
  24. I will not write your code for you. I pointed out where the issue was, if you don't know why it's wrong, then you have to go back to the basics, or you'll be asking the same question again later.
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