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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Blocks yes, items no. Items have a full integer worth of "damage" whereas blocks have a single nybble.
  2. Do this: System.out.println("RandPosX: " + randPosX); (or use whatever printing statement you like) and run it. Check the outputted values and insure that they're within the expected range.
  3. Draw the points in a different order. Specifically, you might want to look at the last value passed....the texture V (as in, swap it).
  4. No idea, honestly. I haven't messed with it.
  5. What is Block.opaqueCubeLookup? ...and what it has to do with find the direction? It's a static class level function that lets you lookup if a given block (by ID) is opaque or not. In Eclipse you can mouse-over and function, variable, or class name and see the relevant information about it (if any) and there's a little red/green icon next to the definition in the yellow popup box, that if clicked on, will take you to where that function, class, or variable is declared. As for what it has to do with direction: It's a dispenser. It's figuring out which direction it can face without facing a solid block.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedural_generation
  7. To use Forge, download Forge from the Forge website. Double click the installer, let it run. When it finishes, you'll have decompiled source for the client. You'll have to manually add the server jar and decompile again (there's a nice executable called decompile.bat, you just have to run that--well, run cleanup.bat first).
  8. No it's not. chunkX is not premultiplied and it's certainly not being muliplied before it gets passed on WorldGenMinable. Oh, and if it's magically getting multiplied after you add the random value, you're still doing it wrong.
  9. You can find it by downloading it from Minecraft.net, it's right there under the client download. As for decompiling, modding, and recompiling: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Mods/Creating_mods/Starting_your_First_Mod
  10. One thing: int randPosX = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16); int randPosY = rand.nextInt(250)+0; int randPosZ = chunkZ + rand.nextInt(16); ChunkX = 5 randPosX = 5 + [0-15] Gee, I wonder where it's going to end up. (You have to multiply your chunk X/Z by 16).
  11. It's probably in the renderer for it. I wouldn't be surprised if the texture is procedural.
  12. There's another function saying how many items should drop. Uh...ah, public int quantityDropped(Random par1Random)
  13. You need to force the calculation manually via updateTick.
  14. I've messed with NBT data, but only from within a TileEntity, I have no idea how to go about applying that information to the world. NBT reading/writing is pretty easy though.
  15. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Crafting_and_Smelting#With_Metadata
  16. You'd need to start by decompiling the server jar and finding the section where it handles new connections. I know that the server window does output what mods a new connection has installed. From there it would be a matter of using that information to decide if the client can connect or not, then either allowing it or forcibly disconnecting them. From there, you should be able to run the server through Eclipse, and then run your client normally, and connect to a server at the IP address (aka Local Host).
  17. Some mods definitely are cheating of sorts. And not all of them are client side mods. Steve's Carts (which are amazingly useful) I've decided are cheating. As for your question...I believe it's possible. But I wouldn't know how to go about it.
  18. I think it's based on the mcmod.info text file. They can get pretty complicated, but here's a simple one. [ { "modid" : "UnderwaterBuildings", "name" : "Bathyspheres", "version" : "1.0.0", "url" : "", "credits" : "Dav Edward", "authors": [ "Draco18s" ], "description": "Adds a new block to aid underwater construction.", "logoFile" : "bathy-logo.png", "updateUrl" : "", "parent" : "", "screenshots": [ ], "dependancies": [ "Forge" ] } It's just a text file, with a .info extension. The file (and a logo if you want it) just go in the root of the zip.
  19. @Override public int getTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int side, int metadata) Just return a different value when metadata isn't zero.
  20. I haven't messed with rails, but this should be possible. Afterall, Railcraft did it.
  21. Try just returning a flat value, rather than a random one. In any case, the error is in that getItemByRarity function, not at the spawning it into the world part.
  22. 3) open /reobf/minecraft and zip up the folders in there.
  23. I tried it and it worked just fine. What's the error?
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