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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. 1) You should add the entList into the method because if it is in the Item, all the Items of the same type have the same locked-on entities, and you probably don't want that. 2) You might want to do the killing server-side: if(!world.isRemote){DO THINGS}
  2. Override getContainerItem and return a new ItemStack with one more damage.
  3. You can use ModelBiped for the model, as that's the standard player model.
  4. I mostly use the 'master-slave' system. That's a system that when a block detects the correct pattern, it sets itself as the 'master' and the rest of the block as 'slaves'. All the data is saved in the 'master' and when you right click a 'slave' or 'master', it opens the gui at the 'masters' location. A tutorial for that system is here: http://anthony-lomeli.net/tutorials/tutorial-how-to-make-a-simple-multiblock-structure#
  5. What???
  6. player.addItemStackToInventory(itemstack)
  7. That made no difference. Here is the log when trying version 1.7.10-
  8. I have a error when running gradlew setupDecompWorkspace . It says something about that the actual and formal argument lists differ in length. Here is the normal log: Here is the log using --info: And here is the log using --debug: If you need more info, i'll give it.
  9. What do you mean about events?
  10. Maybe because there's no forge version for 1.7.10-pre4?
  11. Why do you need a PacketHandler if you can just use the onBlockActivated(args) method in the block class so if you click on the block in te world (not in the inventory) it opens the gui. If you wan't it to be in your inventory and right click it, you need a custom ItemBlock and use the onItemUse(args) method and open the gui in that method. If this doesn't match your needs, can you please specify where the block is, so we now what you wan't to do with the block.
  12. http://bit.ly/1nwGrJq
  13. You need to specify a ItemBlock in the GameRegistry call.
  14. You need to run gradlew eclipse too.
  15. In resource locations you need to put the extension too.
  16. Notch made it somewhere in the code that the max size is 256x256, so you need to call your own render method.
  17. You are doing tutorialmod.assets.textures.*, but it should be assets.tutorialmod.textures.*.
  18. Use .964 which uses gradle. It'll be a lot better.
  19. That's tricky because you need to to change the whole lighting engine with ASM to do that.
  20. You literally copy-pasted that code from the BlockWool class. I be you don't even understand a quarter of it. Most of the things you don't even need.
  21. Ore you could use a custom block renderer so you don't need to make 16 different textures.
  22. In the inventory, the metadata is still 0 as you set it to another value, in the onBlockPlacedBy method, and you check if the side is the bottom or the top of the oven, and then set the texture. Else, you check if the metadata is equal to the side, so a metadata is 0, and the bottom face is 0, so it sets the front texture to the bottom. If you want to face the oven the same way as all the vanilla furnace, check if the metadata is 0 and the side is 2, and then return the fron texture. But you need to do it before everything else in that method.
  23. Try putting a else statement after the if statement which does event.setCanceled(false); so it de-cancels the rendering if it isn't the health bar.
  24. You mean like a new torch? Use this in the block constructor: this.setLightLevel(1);
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