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Everything posted by Mew

  1. That is me also. I would like to know.. Knowledge is everything
  2. Make your own village WorldGen file and call that instead.
  3. Can't you make your own NBT files anyway? Just wondering that is...
  4. Make your own generation file for a village? That way you can make it a lot easier...
  5. Sure go ahead.
  6. Will be fairly easy. In the method, just call something like this @Override public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer) { WorldGenFileYouWant gen = new WorldGenFileYouWant(); gen.genereateStructureMethod(); return par1ItemStack; } Are you also trying to make your own structure? If you need help with that i can help
  7. You could try using a packet though I am not sure if that is a good use for packets... Though I guess you could "transmit" the data to the server, then send the same packet back to the client and take that data into the block you want. This is just an idea of mine... Not sure if it will work.
  8. Ahh, that is something different. The onNeighbourChange is called ONLY when the block next to it is removed/placed. Try reading through Block.java. It will hold the secret
  9. Uhh, what system? Just so you know, you haven't updated the Github repo for questology in a mater of months therefore anything added in that time is not known about. So I don't think that system is in there.... And I don't get how I retrieve the string from the packet from inside the item class. How do I set it? Its confusing me
  10. Put a System.out.println("The onNeighbourChange method just got called!"); in the method. If you see the message (the writing in the speech marks) show up in the console, you know that it has been called.
  11. Yes I understand that. But aren't throwable entities alot less resource using? And you can make them die after so many ticks anyway. That way you can have them only "living" for about 5 seconds. Which I am guessing is a little bit to slow/not long enough? Because in reality they can die after however long you want.
  12. *face palms* Darnit. Why didn't I think of that? Good call. And I think coremods are bit advanced for most people who make mods... Doesn't stop me from wanting to learn how to do 'em though!
  13. Thats the thing, your point in the right direction was good, I just didn't quite get what the packet should contain, and how to obtain the string from the packet
  14. Once again I am bumping this so that the great diesieben07 can see this and finish off the help he started giving.
  15. You could try reading the actual method in GameRegistry and finding out how it adds the biomes. Then you could try to recreate it
  16. I would say, read minecraft source code! They can be very helpful at times. Especially read the container classes and GUI classes. They will be what you want
  17. You would need to edit base files.... sorry mate
  18. Mew

    Redstone Help

    it would be in the blocks package in minecraft source code I hope you realise that seems a really dumb and noobish question... I am pretty sure you are not a noob
  19. Actually, there is a way to do this . here is an example of an Item file that I can use for multiple items with lore: package rpg.items; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public class ItemMultipleItemWithLore extends Item { // this string holds the lore String lore; // this constructor would be for an item with lore public ItemMultipleItemWithLore(int par1, String lore) { super(par1); this.lore = lore; } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer player, List par3List, boolean par4) { par3List.add(lore); } } I hope this helps. whatever you write into the string as lore will apear ONLY for that item, so it can have different lore for each item
  20. The onCollide method is called everytime something collides with it, correct? Then wat is the problem? That is what you wanted no? Try reading through the ORIGINAL onCollide method, it will help you alot. And why not do as I suggested with the "throwable" entity?
  21. All I can say is to read the TNT code. Though reading minecraft code doesn't always help
  22. Don't all entities have an onCollide() method? Or is that just throwable entities? Well that gives me an idea. Make the entity a throwable one, then make the bike (or whatever) throw it out behind it. Problem is it would look more like exhaust fumes than anything... But it has an onCollide() method.
  23. Though soon updating is going to be the death of modders... Stupid Modding API....
  24. I would suggest making a particle... It wouldn't quite be the same, but still have an ok effect. And I am guessing that if you had enough determination, then you would be able to figure out a solid line particle.
  25. Bump for no particular reason. Except for the fact that diesieben07 seems to be the only one who really helps me... Can anyone else be of assistance?
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