@Dijkstra ofc I have put the mods in the eclipse/mods folder.
It is issue related with Clock.
When minecraft is launched, the clock always points noon on first login on SMP.
It works well after disconnecting and re-login.
Also it works well on SSP.
I think it is relayed with Stellar Sky's worldprovider replacement being corrupted by Optifine,
but I can't know what is happening exactly.
Hi, I'm a developer of Stellar Sky mod.
I want to fix an issue with Stellar Sky & Optifine, but failed to use Optifine in dev environment.
It always ended up with:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: aji, even with CodeChickenCore!
So is there any way to use Optifine in dev environment?
What happens if you set the location of the .b3d model file with the file extension?
Seeing its code, the model loader is called before item model is loaded, and overlapped the model.
You can set the renderer on WorldEvent.Load using WorldProvider#setSkyRenderer() on the event: WorldEvent.Load
Also you can just return your own renderer on WorldProvider#getSkyRenderer()
I think you would really be unable to do that with normal item..
Current system only allow stitched textures to be rendered.
You might use something like TileEntityItemstackRenderer.
No, I didn't mean that.
You should register your modid using B3DLoader.instance().addDomain("yourmodid");
And you just put your .b3d model into the model directory.
+ You should have added the variant name to load the model, since it is not automatically searched.
Sorry about causing the confusion. It couldn't be registered in those way.
You should need to register your modid by B3DLoader.instance().addDomain(String),
And It should be contain ".b3d" in the end of the name.
There is model registry where you can register your own IModel, including B3D Model.
I remember that it was "ModelRegistry".
You should register the IModel there. Then it should be sufficient, you wouldn't even need the ModelBakeEvent.
Don't use @SideOnly.. It is not for those cases.
Just use packet with the position to sync information.
(Keep in mind that clientside tileentity and serverside tileentity is different instance)
I remember that I have the same error with empty mod(=no contents).
It might be a problem of forge.
I think I was told that it was a bug and fixed on the latter versions.
Sorry, I had mistaken.
It is done by this element: new DummyConfigElement<String>("modIDSelector", "FML", ConfigGuiType.MOD_ID, "fml.config.sample.modIDSelector")
So it does need Dummy Config Element..
I remember that it is possible without reflection.
EDIT: Found it.
You can do that with this code:((SimpleReloadableResourceManager)Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager()).reloadResourcePack(IResourcePack)