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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by tattyseal

  1. Its for Questology Building Exporter so we can't use the Forge Configs
  2. I need help with this too!
  3. Model Code TileSpecialRender Block TileEntity Anyone know?
  4. Anyone?
  5. I really need this ASAP *BUMP*
  6. **BUMP**
  7. How would I spawn a green star firework at the players location? Thanks!
  8. Ok so in my mod, Unnamed mod, I am replacing the main menu with a coremod and trying to re-render the main menu but DrawTexturedModalRect tiles my image instead of streching it across the screen! Help!
  9. Yes it does!
  10. Ok so what I do for my coremod is: Edit the base files IN eclipse and put the ASM Code in my coremod file, then in another package (coremod = tattyseal.e.asm.EEFMLLoadingPlugin, mod = tattyseal.e.core.ProjectEE) have my normal mod files Then when you want to release it, compile, reobfuscate and put all your code + edited minecraft code into your jar file! Hope I help
  11. public static Block ec; public static Achievement energyCondenserAchv; @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) //Cut code from sneaky peoples eyes even though its on Github energyCondenserAchv = new Achievement(2221, "energyCondenser", 0, 0, ec, null).registerAchievement(); pageEE = new AchievementPage("Project EE", energyCondenserAchv); AchievementPage.registerAchievementPage(pageEE); https://github.com/tattyseal/ProjectE/blob/master/src/common/tattyseal/e/core/ProjectE.java So it has achievements on the page but its still white D:
  12. My achievement page has a white background! Help!
  13. Hello, I would like to add a line above Minecraft 1.6.4 in the main title screen for my mod. How would I do this, Thanks. PS: Optifine and FTB does this
  14. Hi, my model I imported is just black and not using my texture. Model Renderer
  15. Yes, GameRegistry.registerBlock(energyCollector, ItemEnergyCollector.class, "ee.energyCollector");
  16. My Metadeta block only drops metadata 0. Block ItemBlock Help!
  17. There is no spawn egg for my mob now
  18. If it is working, then you have your answer . If not, then what is wrong? The mob is just invisible. That is my problem.
  19. **BUMP**
  20. Thats my current code, is that all ok?
  21. Render Entity Main mod file
  22. Giving this a try now!
  23. Basically when I spawn my mob it is invisible but if I put lava where I spawned it I can hear it dying, so I know it is there!
  24. **BUMP** I wouldn't bump unless I was depserate.
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