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Everything posted by tattyseal

  1. The way you have it is probably the best way.
  2. Blocks.log
  3. You now have to use @SubsribeEvent and TickEvent for TickHandlers and it the event should have a Type field in it I think I have helped you twice today lol
  4. Open this: Select this: Click 'Workspace...' Then: Open Minecraft and select the folder called Eclipse.. Run and it should work!
  5. Non sarcasm initialized... 1) Do you do anything different when it does not load. 2) Post your updated code and eclipse texture structure 3) In future, when you say "THIS DOESTN OWKR HLP ME" give us code and things to help us 'Help' you...
  6. Texture only loads sometimes... OH just from that I can figure out 9 kagillion solutions. Let's hope you understand sarcasm...
  7. To store your icons use an array of how many textures you want, so for example To register your textures: And to declare them so it works ingame:
  8. No problem!
  9. Also post your GUIEnergizer class please.
  10. On server side you have to return your container and not your GUI.
  11. We cannot help you without seeing your GUIHandler... read the replies and help people figure out HOW to help you...
  12. Hello, so I want my TileEntity to consume items from the chest slots and convert them into the item or block in the top slot, but, when it consumes them it will say 92 or 88 or something random instead of 64 and make more items than it should, but if I right click on the block again the value goes to what it should be. TileEntity TileBase GUI Container I cannot see anything wrong! Please Help!
  13. 1. No. 2. Probably Not. 3. You have a nerve being this rude. It takes TIME for people to reply, you cannot expect a reply within a certain amount of time...
  14. 1. Right click on assets 2. Goto Build Path and click Use as Source Folder
  15. Hello, I was wondering how to add mods (like NEI, FMP, etc.) to the gradle dependencies list, as I can't seem to get my head around it. Does anyone know how? Thanks.
  16. So it is black. I tried changing that but nothinhg changed
  17. Hello, I am making a GUI for my item and when I render my text before my rectangle the whole rectangle is black, but on the other hand if I render it after my rect there is no text what so ever. GuiCreativeBucket.java package org.zaet.client.gui; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; public class GuiCreativeBucket extends GuiScreen { private ResourceLocation rectBG = new ResourceLocation("textures/gui/demo_background.png"); public GuiCreativeBucket() { } public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() { return true; } public void initGui() { super.initGui(); } public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); } public void drawContainerGuiForegroundLayer() { } public void drawScreen(int k, int j, float l) { this.drawString(mc.fontRenderer, "Testing", 300, 200, 0); this.drawDefaultBackground(); this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(rectBG); this.drawTexturedQuadFit((width / 2) - 200, (height / 2) - 150, 400, 400, 1); this.drawString(mc.fontRenderer, "Testing", 300, 200, 0); super.drawScreen(k, j, l); } public static void drawTexturedQuadFit(double x, double y, double width, double height, double zLevel) { Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance; tessellator.startDrawingQuads(); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(x + 0, y + height, zLevel, 0,1); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(x + width, y + height, zLevel, 1, 1); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(x + width, y + 0, zLevel, 1,0); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(x + 0, y + 0, zLevel, 0, 0); tessellator.draw(); } } Please Help
  18. I notice that you opened 2 threads both called 'Help Needed!' Please do not double post, you could have posted this in your last thread, or at least opened this and the other one with names suiting to what they are. Back to topic. You would have to use a tick handler to detect if the player was invisible. Thats all I can tell you, as I have never looked into armor or item rendering. Someone else can continue on my start though
  19. When I try to install FML 1.7.2 with gradlew setUpDevWorkspace or gradlew eclipse this happens: Please Help!
  20. I will just go full in and help you. @Override public boolean isOpaqueCube() { return false; } In the Ice, Leaves and Everything Draco has suggested has this in it with a description above it. Look about before posting, there must be a few threads with this question atleast. -tattyseal
  21. The line if (!par2World.isRemote) Basically checks if the world is server side, meaning you are basically you are checking if it is not multiplayer then calling the function if it is not. Remove that if statement and it should work. -tattyseal
  22. Hello people of MCForge, today I present a tutorial that shows: - How to install MCForge Client - How to install MCForge Server - How to port forward a minecraft server If moderator can embed this please do! Here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kye_rptDTRA Thanks
  23. Hello, I need a way to get all players in the current server, I have looked through MinecraftServer and the World classes and can't find any method for doing this. Is there a way to do it? Thanks!
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