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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by vroominator

  1. Someone needs to keep count of how many times this question comes up per month.
  2. You say you don't have any mods installed, yet I see RedPower 2 Blocks in your hotbar. I've had the same problem with RP2 installed as well. Doesn't seem to hinder gameplay but it sure looks weird.
  3. No, but the code is pretty self explanatory. Just go look through it and you should be able to figure it out.
  4. Could it be that you're telling RenderSnowball to render the bullet's Icon Index, but in terrain.png instead of your own?
  5. Look at the bow's source. Also, I can't help but notice you finish EVERY post with "hehe..". What's with that?
  6. You know, the minecraft source contains all these things. You need to do a little bit of searching around in the source before posting.
  7. The "Must be an Opped player in Creative mode" message seems to be intended. The mod was made so map makers can change spawners easily (I think), not so survival users can get infinite beef. And as for the TMI Issue, yes. Get NEI. It's about a million and one times better than TMI anyway, and it's a breeze to install when you've got Forge.
  8. http://files.minecraftforge.net/
  9. I've been a busy, busy bee. I spent the week up the coast without Internet access, and in my spare time, I've gotten a LOT done. Some stuff to check off the list: Spell Casting and Spell selection is done. Here's a preview of the Spellbook GUI. Spell icon artwork is not final C: The buttons on the left are for switching through Spellbooks you have in your inventory, and the Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons are for binding spells to keys, for quick switching without a Spellbook. Here's the new Runic Infuser GUI. This thing runs off Magic Essence, which is made at the next new machine. The Mixer! I've fallen in love with the Forge Liquid system, and I needed a good way to get Magic Essence, so I figured I'd do this. It mixes the items in the middle four slots with the liquid in the first tank to create a new liquid. So far It only has 1 recipe, but it's pretty easy to add recipes to, so other modders can take advantage of it if they'd like. I've also added Ore Dictionary support to The Forge, Mixer, and Tinkering table, at long last. Not much to go now until I release something. I want to add a proper way to Get Orbs to use at the Infuser and a proper way to get Moulds to use in the forge, a way to store liquids (I can't just give the player all this neat stuff to do with liquids without a proper way of storing it, now can I?), plus an NEI addon to show my recipes before I release anything. Also, more spells. I've added a few spells, but I want a decent amount before I release. Get excited! It's coming soon!
  10. @Override public Object buildComponent(StructureVillagePieceWeight villagePiece, ComponentVillageStartPiece startPiece, List pieces, Random random, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5) { return ComponentVillagePinkTemple.buildComponent(startPiece, pieces, random, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); } That should be what you need.
  11. Are you sure that you're actually spawning the entity on the server side? Keystrokes are client events, and just spawning an entity directly after a keystroke will only spawn it on the client side, which will result in a ghost entity, like you described. edit:Just noticed the username of the creator of this thread . Just thought I'd say thanks for those modding videos you made. You helped me begin making my own mods and now I'm working on a great big project, so yeah. Thanks a bunch
  12. Right here.
  13. Okay, first of all, this is probably not the best place to ask for help for TC3, but I'll do my best. Do you have any other mods installed? This might mess things up. Try removing them individually to find which one is messing up textures.
  14. Okie Dokie. School Holidays just started so I'll try and get as much work done as I can
  15. I've been getting some work done, not as much as I would like though. I haven't released an early version like I said I would because I feel like I don't have enough done. A lot of functionality is there, there's just no real goal to work towards yet. Spell Casting isn't done yet, but once I have the system working and a decent amount of spells, I'll definitely release something. I still need to properly finish these things before Sorcery will actually be useful in Survival mode. -Spell Casting -A proper way to obtain moulds for use in the Forge -A proper way to obtain orbs for use in the Runic Infuser -A proper way to obtain Magic Essence to fuel machines like the Runic Infuser -Ore Dictionary support for the Forge and Tinkering Table Would you prefer I release an early version as soon as I finish Spell Casting so that you can mess around with stuff in Creative mode or wait until all the things listed above are fit and ready for Survival mode?
  16. Yeah you need to run them through the terminal, although I'm not entirely sure how that's done. Just google around a bit, you should be able to find it.
  17. People post this question so much I feel like it needs to be in the tutorials section. I'll probably add it later, but in the mean time, here is your answer.
  18. I too would very much like to know how this is done.
  19. I assumed I might just need to send off a packet any time some liquid is pumped in. And as for the BC Tut, I do not know of any, but just PM me what you need help with and I shall try.
  20. I have a bit of a Dilemma. I'm working on adding BuildCraft pipe compatibility to Sorcery's machines. I've got item pumping going just fine, and Liquid pumping is almost there, I've just got one problem. The client doesn't get notified when liquid is pumped into or out of my machine. To my knowledge, when a BuildCraft pipe pumps a liquid into my machine, it calls the fill method required by ITankContainer in the BuildCraft API. I also use this same method when adding liquids to my machine manually (Putting a lava bucket into a Gui Slot), and the client finds out just fine. Really not sure why this is happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. I can explain how to do it properly. I'm assuming you already have a proxy set up, if not, go do that now. In your common proxy, add this: public int addArmor(String armor) { return 0; } And in your client proxy, add this: @Override public int addArmor(String armor) { return RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix(armor); } Now whenever you call ModLoader.addArmor, call proxy.addArmor instead.
  22. This is a really cool idea. Haven't had a chance to try it out yet as I've been busy, but I will as soon as I can.
  23. Well, this is the Modder Status request board, so perhaps Suggestions? or even General Discussion.
  24. You can use ItemStacks instead of Items or Blocks in your recipes, so you'd replace ironPress with new ItemStack(ironPress(1, -1)
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