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Everything posted by Parker8283

  1. N00b question: I can't remember for the life of me where Minecraft initiates all of the vanilla recipes; what file is it? I want to look at it for reference.
  2. Start over, and try these four commands in succession. (This is how I get it working for me) gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace eclipse gradlew.bat --refresh-dependencies gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace --debug gradlew.bat eclipse --debug See if that works.
  3. Run the following commands (I'm going to assume you're on Windows) gradlew.bat --refresh-dependencies gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace --debug (or gradlew.bat setupDevWorkspace --debug if that's what you used to set this up in the first place) gradlew.bat eclipse --debug Should fix it. Also, that tutorial isn't the best because it requires you do download something you don't need, like the Gradle Plugin. Follow LexManos's tutorial here:
  4. Try creating a recipe that it's result is the enchanted item. That's how I got mine to work.
  5. Threads like this don't get help, because they are missing screenshots and/or log files. In this case, a screenshot will help.
  6. Re-download it and re-set it up; it got moved/deleted somehow. Are you using the forge provided eclipse workspace? Also, you may want to update to 1.7.2 at some point, as it's now out of beta testing.
  7. Also, you no longer need to assign Data Vales, so remove the 3000, and fix the parameters in the BlockSample constructor.
  8. Alright, so how does the strength float that is passed in under createExplosion in World.class tie into the resistance float? Where do those two floats meet to decide whether or not the block gets exploded?
  9. I'm not looking how to change it; I'm looking how to understand it as I make a custom bomb for my mod. And I still don't understand. What is setResistance setting, and what float makes it not possible to be broken with one piece of TNT?
  10. I'm currently on working on adding a custom bomb to my game. However, it helps to understand what's going on with TNT in the game. I have a pretty long question (Also, correct my if I'm wrong on any information here) Whenever I've added a block, I add ".setResistance(float)" to the declaration. I usually use the Block.class file in Minecraft as reference. When I look at the declaration of the .setResistance function, it takes the float passed in, multiplies it by 3 (or 3.0F), then stores it in the protected variable "blockResistance". When I check the EntityTNTPrimed.class, in the explode function, it creates an explosion with a strength of 4 (or 4.0F). However, when placed next to a piece of End Stone (resistance 15.0F), it explodes. I went through BlockTNT, EntityTNTPrimed, and World, and then Explosion classes (the last one gave me a headache), and have seriously no idea what is going on. Could someone fill me in on what's going on, and how this all works with setResistance and how TNT can blow up something of a resistance higher than it's strength?
  11. Didn't think to look in the master Block class; was only paying attention to the BlockOre class. Thank you!
  12. Just saying errors doesn't help any. What kind of errors? Where? (A screenshot would be nice)
  13. Seems like a simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer. How do you make it so mining a block (or specifically, an ore) gives you experience?
  14. Currently, the name formatting is "modid-version.jar". I'm used to doing it the other way around. Is there a way I can change that? [EDIT: Yes, I know I can change it manually after the build, but is there a way I can avoid that step?]
  15. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,16186.0.html Someone over on this post in the ForgeGradle sub board put this, which fixes my problems. Thank you to them. I'm just posting this for anyone in the future who may have this problem and stumbles across this.
  16. OHMYGOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Thank Yous all over the place!
  17. There is no need to install Gradle onto your Mac. When you start up, use the following commands in sequential order. ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --debug ./gradlew eclipse --debug This should make Forge fully functional on your Mac. I had the same problem, so thank LexManos for those commands.
  18. Here's how I get mine to work: gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace eclipse gradlew.bat --refresh-dependencies gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace --debug gradlew.bat eclipse --debug This series of commands fixes all build path errors. I got these from LexManos himself when I had the same problem. Use all of them every time you update as well.
  19. Obviously the way that Armor is rendered on the player has changed. Code from 1.6: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bc121ace71f85fb9d7f6 (ItemExampleArmor), https://gist.github.com/anonymous/819ad5baea57e6106cf1 (ExampleArmor(initiated by the main mod class)) This would work perfectly in 1.6. The problem I'm having in 1.7 is that Minecraft can't seem to find the textures to render on the player (e.g., exampleA_layer_1). I've checked over everything and can't seem to find the problem. Help?
  20. Vanilla Minecraft comes with the command, so you just use: exampleBlock.setHardnessLevel("pickaxe", 2); For the setToolClass, I still have no idea, but I was just worried about the harvest level, which you establish when you set the tool material.
  21. Um, that wasn't what I was going for, but never mind, as I is dumb, and have found the problem.
  22. I've just begun updating my mod, and have found that setBlockHarvestLevel and setToolClass functions have moved, but no idea where they moved to. Anybody know?
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