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Everything posted by Parker8283

  1. Natura and Thaumcraft apparently aren't working together in your world.
  2. Posting every few minutes will not get people to help you, just to get mad at you. The source is in Referenced Libraries. It appears that your run configurations are wrong, or you set up your workspace the wrong way. What are your run configurations? What tutorial did you follow?
  3. Copy a fresh build.gradle that's bundled with Forge and try running with that.
  4. This has been a bug since the beginning of 1.7, but the logos have not been loading from the mcmod.info, including MCP and Forge.
  5. BECAUSE YOU DON'T IMPORT A GRADLE PROJECT! If you just run the basic setup commands and just import a JAVA project, it should be fine.
  6. I usually do it as so: public static void setBlockHarvestLevels() { exampleBlock.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 2); } This usually gets called during preInit.
  7. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tutorials/Packet_Handling What I used.
  8. Yes; If you knew Basic Java, you would know that, in your situation, those do the exact same thing.
  9. If you actually read the stacktrace, It's caused by the NullPointerException with an ItemStack.
  10. It's added when you run gradlew for the first time. Did you run (assuming you're on Windows): gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace
  11. Have patience; It took me a while as well. Just create new world after new world and fly for a long time. It takes a while.
  12. registerBlockIcons And if you put the Override annotation over all methods you ever override from Minecraft, you would've figured that out.
  13. As long as you aren't relying on IDs anywhere in your code (like Block.getIdFromBlock() or Item.getIdFromItem()), everything will work perfectly fine, as both Minecraft and Forge have moved off of complete Data Value reliance.
  14. Also, do you NEED Java Enterprise Edition? That comes with a bunch of crap that you'll never use with Minecraft Modding.
  15. Most of the 1.6 tutorials work to an extent. You can follow them for making the BiomeGen class for your biome, but the way you register it is different. Some threads on here have covered 1.7 biome registration, so look them up.
  16. Way I got mine working (this is all in my @Mod file): public static final BiomeGenBase example = new BiomeGenExample().setBiomeName("Example Biome"); @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(example, Type.FOREST); BiomeManager.addSpawnBiome(example); } My ID is coded into the super call in the BiomeGenExample file.
  17. If you're using Java 8, don't. Otherwise, I would say delete your .gradle folder in your user directory (/Users/xxx/.gradle), and try everything again.
  18. Look in the vanilla Minecraft code. It's in a file called CraftingManager.
  19. 1057 has always been buggy and Lex and the team know it. That's why if you look at 1.7.2-Latest, it's at 1056.
  20. We want to save the Block or Item that the variable holds, and it's not an ItemStack. These Tile Entities are also not IInventories or ISidedInventories.
  21. I'm updating a mod where, in 1.6, they saved the Data Value of blocks inside their contraptions' Tile Entity classes. Obviously I want to update that to 1.7 and remove the reliance on Data Values. The problem is that everything I try doesn't work. Does someone know how to do this?
  22. Delete you .gradle folder that's in your user directory. (/Users/xxx/.gradle). Re run the setup commands.
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