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Everything posted by delpi
Pictures would be very helpfull. If you want something very unique here, why don't you just make a custom block model and render using tecne or something else as a basis? If you really just want a sided block texture, you might need to render for this type of block to the typical one. That is a guess though.
In case it is confusing. I have a custom rendor for an item. It has a unique Model for it. The Forge method for doing that utilizes a method similar to the tutorial I listed. 1st person and 3rd person work great and do exactly what I want it to do. When the item is rendered in an inventory slot, it uses the peice of code I supplied. The item renders fine, but the 'void' area around it (I use Gimp to ensure there is nothing there) renders with a wierd orage color when it is in certain slots in my inventory. It is very repeatable and it happens if it is the default inventory GUI or a custom one. In both cases, it is the same slot everytime. I've looked through the minecraft code, the forge code, as well as my own and I can't find anything that would be impacting the color, much less only for specific slots. Anybody experienced something like this?
Having an odd issue with custom Item Renderers in my Inventory. Basically when the item is in certain slots, the background around the item is orange instead of the default inventory color. Any ideas? I followed the setup in this tutorial http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Custom_2D_Inventory_Item_Renderer code for the inventory part:
I'm a little confused as to why you want to store just the item. Anytime you are using it from that, you are converting it to an itemstack as well as its the norm. If you want to do an item, you are going to have to save its ID or name. Anyhow, your problem is this.currentDendrikBelt = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(compound.getCompoundTag(CURRENT_DENDRIK_BELT_IDENTIFIER)); should be currentDendrikBelt.loadItemStackFromNBT(compound.getCompoundTag(CURRENT_DENDRIK_BELT_IDENTIFIER)); but you would need to ahve initilized it before that or I think you will get some wierd error. Its possible yours will work, but I don't think so. Might work if you copy the itemstack or such. I assume your System messages indicate from the prints it should ahve worked?
Look at the code from playerinventory. If you just have a single itemstack, you don't need the list approach, but you can leverage it to what you need.
I don't have my setup handy to give you a copy but I'll lay it out for you and you can probably find the right tutorial from there. In your resources folder you need a sounds.json file which describes your sounds. Then you create a folder in your resources called "sounds" and put your .ogg files in there. This video is pretty good on it if I'm remembering the right one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTGJXO_2Kks
I'm guessing a bit, but I bet your model / entity isn't based upon something ageable and it isn't passing the baby variable onto the model or client. That or your model isn't written to shrink a baby. If you look at ageable, I think it will add the child variable to a datawatcher. You might be able to jsut do that if your model is setup to render a child correctly.
I got in the habit early on to do a lot of null checks espeically when initially testing something knew. Helps a lot with figuring issues like this out. EntityPlayer Player = xxxxx If (player != null) { } else { print out a message. } Item item = xxxx if (item != null) {
That is funny. Every few seconds. I'll have to try it on another computer and see.
Currently trying these options Looks something like this. The black lines will move down from the top of the red to the bottom. https://sites.google.com/site/clandoolittle/home/dimension-manager/Capture.PNG?attredirects=0[/img]
Didn't say it wasn't, just said it was possible and proposed one method.
I think you can. For example if on the onupdate method you check to see if the itemstack ahs your marker already. If it doesn't add it. Should work fine.
play around with onUpdate or onCreated. Should be able to make somethign work.
Have you searched the all tab of the creative menu to see if its there? In the constructor for item it will put it there, but almost any method you chose should have put it after.
I'll try a screenshot or two tonight. But it looks like a shadow of black moving down the red image, and then solid red, and then it will ripple down from top to bottom again. Does it every few hours.
Guys, thanks, but those were not what I was trying to do. I probably didn't word it right. I found the solution and posted it in another post of mine. Something like this goes at the very end of all your projects where you want to include another 'common' set of code.
Ok, neither of those worked. I really thought the z one sounded right. turning the lighting off didn't make any change. Moving it around on the z didn't either except I can put the red behind the black and I see nothing. Any more ideas?
Yes you can. Don't need a class to make it craftable. There are other ways to do that with events, but your way would as well.
That should do the trick with the findItem method. Out of curiosity, why is your itemname 'plant/ender_lilly' instead of just 'ender_lilly'?
Did you want a custom graphics book? Lets look through answers just for a custom graphic? then create and item in your mod that is a standard minecraft book, then you can give it your own graphic and name using tutorials I mentioned. No need to create your own item class. Everytime you want to give this to someone or drop it, then run code like mine. you could use events or such, up to you. just need custom information in a book, then just create a standard book and populate its info like I did above and then give it. Really depends on what yo uwant to do with your 'book'.
Take a look at the code I gave you. It is using a standard book as the item. It will use that as the image. If you want to have a different image, you are going to have to make your own item that extends book and use it instead. I see you tried to create and item below called cookiemanual, assuming you want to use that. There are basic tutorials on how to give a texture to your item as well as what tab. Search for them and follow.
They are both my mods. I don't really want to make it dependent. If its not there, it just won't drop the item. You listed Blockregistry, assuming I can use Itemregistry similar, but it doesn't look like it has as nice of methods. Something like this? I know how to test for a mod and could do that before, but could I just test to see if it returned something?
True, forgot about that. I was thinking about something I did with a fake chest.
You did and nobody answered you. Say thanks, go look at it and try.
Look up the code on custom GUI's. Most of it will explain how to do it with a block. There will e a class called guihandlers where you tell client and server what to open. Instead of pointing your case to a custom gui, jsut tell it to open up the gui for a crafting table. Since the crafting table doesn't store items, there won't be any junk that you have to change. For triggering it, look at your item. It has method for interact, rightclick, use. Use the one that fits how you want to trigger it.