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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by delpi

  1. Ok, I'm frustrated. Been staring at this too long. Followed Lex's Video " on both of the following. I'm using eclipse. If have a folder 'Forge-1.8-' with all my different mods there. Everything runs fine, can run client/server no problem I created a new folder 'Forge-1.8-' and created the same file structure. Only brought over the 'src' folders as I've done on other upgrades. Ran gradlew clean, gradlew setupDevWorkspace, and gradlew eclipse on each of the seperate project folders. Zero errors. Server starts up fine. Client gives me error of "Could not find or load main class GradlewStart". I tried redoing above steps, no dice. I checked env variables, all there and right. Besides, the previous version works fine so that would be challenging to be the issue. I opened up eclipse with the old one and new one side by side and compared all the apps for running client/server. Identical. Ideas? Fingers crossed
  2. Send a packet from the server to client updating the IEEP.
  3. doesn't hurt though and it creates the habit for when it does.
  4. I'll beat Dies to it. No, NO, No, no, NO Now, joking aside. In your block that has a tileentity associated with it, it should automatically create the tile when the block is placed. You place the block, the tile is instantly placed also. also, it is more like w.setblockstate(pos, machineBlock.getdefaultstate); [that is for 1.8] - oops for 1.7, you are fine for block placement, same comment on tile.
  5. Scroll up to what I told you earlier. How are you determining if they impact the IEEP. You described sending the packet to the server, inputing into IEEP serverside, then looking on the client IEEP version to see if data was there. You have to update the client IEEP from the server, when it is changed.
  6. Just get a list of all the items on the server (won't have sub), iterate through it, check for subtypes, append the list. No real need to go to the client for all that.
  7. Put a print statement in the packet handler and see what it says there. Right after 'public void run() {' Also what you just said made me think of something. You are sending your information to the server to update extended properties for the player. Then you are looking in your GUI and seeing it is null, null. Where are you sending the updated extended properties from the server back to the client?
  8. Look at the server screen. It is probably waiting for your to type in '/flm confirm'. You probably changed block or item references between mod versions or such.
  9. Did you register the packet? Have you put a print statement on the receiving side to see if it arrives and what it says for the variables when it does?
  10. Good for you. Still at a loss for why you are sending all that to the client. Decide your item on the server. Send a chatmessage to the player or just send the one item they need to get.
  11. Here is the syntax I mentioned earlier today. Item item = GameRegistry.findItem("dimension_multiplyer", "dimension_multiplyer-firewand"); then do a null check on the item before using it.
  12. That is usefull. How do you manage that with obf vs unobf while developing?
  13. if(Player.getCurrentEquippedItem().equals(ModDatabase.myItem)) That is assuming 'ModDatabase' is your main class or whatever class you have your items registered/defined in.
  14. I would not suggest you keep doing what you are doing. Follow the way dies said. Also, what is with this??? item.xinsidion.ewm.items.ItemBasicMagic@?? That seems very strange. Would have expected something like item.xinsidion.ItemBasicMagic@?? not necessarily wrong, but seems very odd.
  15. Make sure that your property and 'age' are spelled exactly the same and have the same case.
  16. files.minecraftforge.net/minecraftforge/ Just search normally for Minecraft Forge Download. My work computer blocks the address so can't got directly right now and get a screenshot. But I just looked on my phone and right next to 1-8 Recommended it sasy Next to 1.8-Latest it says I don't even see 1450 anywhere. EDIT: Just tried the 'files' choice on this page and it is a different list than the other method. It has your info. Is that the modder version and the other is the general user? As you reasoned out, I also think it is something not related to my entities now. Especially when i ran it without any of the mods (basically just forge) and it still did it. Anything in eclipse or such that could be messed up? have mine setup like Lex suggested via youtube. I'm thinking there is another place to get the download for modders instead of the main forge page? What is the webpage you are using?
  17. I don't remember the exact syntax, but I have this at home. I'll look it up tonight if you haven't gotten it by then. You can try to get an item by name from another mod by referring to it as something like "modid2.specialsword". You check to see if it was found. If so, proceed with the recipe and whatever. If not, abandon. Someone else probably knows the syntax by heart and can help you before tonight.
  18. That is the latest recommended version, according to the download page. Going to try 3 now and see what that does. EDIT : No difference. I had tried it early, but wanted to confirm to make sure. It is the same. The fact that the vanilla entities are doing it to and that when i got rid of all the mods with custom entities, and it was still happening makes me think it is something else. I don't know what though. I was basically running forge in the dev environment at that point with a couple of commands to put me in and out of creative mode.
  19. Tested it with all mods off except for a simple command one (no tick events or code other than commands running). There was no difference. The pause in entity movement seems to be fairly regular. It looks like it is happening between 1 and 2 seconds. Running it on 'Forge 1.8-' if that makes a difference to anyone. EDIT : One other observation that may be totally unrelated. My entities seem to sink down into the ground slightly at start and then after agro'n it never happens again. when they first spawn, it is fine. they sink after a few seconds.
  20. As I'm watching the timing of the ticks, I think I would see it. I've got an advanced lag script setup to report on request any issues and it doesn't see anything. That being said, I can't be sure. I'll run with different mods off and see if anything changes.
  21. Here is what i'm using. Should be fine. I'll try your variation just to make sure. EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, name, entityID, mod, view_distance, 1, true); EDIT : Tried it, no difference. As I look closely now though, it seems like vanilla mobs are doing the same stutter. The server and client ticks are not backing up, watching to make sure. I'm at a loss as to why this is happening.
  22. I'm headed home here in just a bit and I'll look and confirm. Maybe I have the two values flipped? That would explain the pauses, but not the different rendering distance for the same mob.
  23. I'll give you an idea. There are other ways and possible better ways to do this, but this will work. It wouldn't be an infinite value of skins, but it could be a lot. Create an item called disquise. Set the item up like potions (forgetting name) so it has multiple variants. Make each of those variants represent a skin the player can put on with the resourcepath, ect. Create a gui for the player to put the chosen mask in a slot. intercept player render event and check if a disquise is on. If so, go to a custom player render and cancel the main one. In the custom player render, extend the normal one and only replace the method where skin is retrieved and point it at the skin from your chosen item.
  24. You can access the save file just fine. I have a routine that runs to make sure players aren't in one of my dynamic created dimensions that went away from the config and to move them back to dimension 0. Just be careful with what you are doing. Accessing the stored data that way is ripe for opportunities to corrupt the player file.
  25. This is a general question to see if anyone has had this experience before I do some more digging tonight. I'm almost done converting to 1.7.2 to 1.8. One of the things I did with my entities was move over to registering them as mod entities. I've noticed a few oddities. - The entities seem to pause a lot in movement while moving to attack - The entities don't face the direction they should be moving all that well - When multiple of a custom entity are in the world, they seem to show up (render) when different distances away. For example if two raptors are next to each other, I can see one from 40 blocks away, but the other doesn't show up until I'm 8 blocks away. Tonight, I'm going to create two versions of the same entity and register one fully and the other as a modentity and see if I can notice any difference. I'll also post code then if I don't see any differences (don't have access to the code from work). I'm 99.9% sure I've got it all setup right. Compared with various tutorials, examples, and previous work. All I really changed was swapping them over to modEntities from minecraft entity register. Also, this happens with very customized entities and ones where I just extended a vanilla for a different skin or something trivial (creeper for example). Anyone noticed this as a general issue? That is what I'm really looking for. If not, it must be something I messed up. Just don't want to dig further without checking.
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