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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. Well that wouldn't exactly be anything specifically to forge then I assume you know how to parse XML files and preform basic IO operations on a text file? You could learn how to parse the schematic files yourself. Which isn't that hard. They are saved in the NBT format: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Schematic_file_format Normally you parse the contents of the file into an 3Darray of blockIDs and use that to generate. Or you can use some other guys API for it, I'd recommend looking into TehBeards LibSchematic api. It's not finished yet but it's working and you can get it from his github You could also check out CoolAlias structure generation tool here, although it's not about schematics: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1963371-structure-generation-and-rotation-tool/
  2. "get buggy" thats the best description of whats wrong that I've ever read
  3. Search for dimensions tutorials on the web. Google.com would be where I'd start searching from.
  4. Good job mate Have fun modding!
  5. Well the time moves at a constant rate, so it always fades from night to day As for the light, you have said if time is < 14 be this color and if time > 14 be that color. What do you think you would have to do in order for it to fade?
  6. The easy way is to implement your own SkyRenderer which is simple to do since WorldProvider has a way to set SkyRenderer for it's world. That would be the easy way at least. Although from what you need, couldn't you just use the world obj, and check which time it is before deciding the colors?
  7. And I just told you. If that's not understandable then either follow the vswe video again and try to correct your mistakes. Or follow the link in my last post above and study some fundamentals.
  8. If you don't know how to call or invoke a method you may want to go back to the Java courses, or probably even easier and better: http://see.stanford.edu/see/lecturelist.aspx?coll=824a47e1-135f-4508-a5aa-866adcae1111
  9. You never initialize the item. You never call the init method you made for your items.
  10. Thanks, your guesses are very welcome, the 4th was especially intriguing I have missed that event completely!
  11. ^ I agree with all of what TGG said above. Also I can promise you that you will be able to create much more awesome mods by learning to use Eclipse as well as programming methodology and Java Ps: I usually share this to people interested in becomming good modders: http://see.stanford.edu/see/lecturelist.aspx?coll=824a47e1-135f-4508-a5aa-866adcae1111 It's very good in my opinion
  12. Blocks do not store coordinate knformation about where it's placed. The world stores a block id at each coordinate and uses Block.BlockList[blockId] to retrive info about a block from it's ID. See TGGs brilliant post about how minecraft blocks works here: http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/blocks.html Ps: check the other posts as well for more info on how minecraft works! You have two choices, you can look into TilEntities which know the coords at which their block is located. Or simply use the method which places the block there. Check the block.java file and you will find several methods related to the block being placed, usualy it has 3 ing values which are x,y,z and a reference to the world
  13. I'm sorry, what exactly of the steps where you unable to follow? I assumed you had all your code inside the Minecraft project in your workspace, right? And that your workspace is set tp mcp/eclipse folder? If so, then I don't see what troubles you?
  14. 1. Create a new project name it after the mod you are working on now. Move your packages and assets folder to that project. Make the project extend the Minecraft project. Create a run configuration similar to the Minecraft one you have used ubtill now, except that it includes the new project. 2. Create a 2nd new project and make it depend on the Minecraft project in its buildPath. Give it also its own run configuration to run it and Minecraft. Creare classes and packages as normal within that project. 3. Have fun!
  15. Okay I already realize that I may get shot for asking this but fuck it Is it possible in a simple way to load a texture from an external file in such a way that it could be used normally as a blockIcon? By normally I mean that you don't have to create a special render for the block using the texture, that it would be stiched into the texturemap along with all the other mod block textures. Is this possible? Now I do see two alternatives, one is to simply create a render which uses this image for the block by handling the drawing it's own way, that could work but it's not what I'm after. The second way would be to copy the external files into the .Zip file at runtime, which I'm pretty sure would be even dumber than what I'm attempting to do But I may end up attempting it, so does anyone know if it's possible to manipulate the assets folder of the .Zip from which the mod it's self is running? I would assume that it's not advisable to do so
  16. Check if it's being called at all
  17. 1. I'm pretty sure you are in the TOTALLY wrong spot for asking this kind of thing... Try the recruitment forum over at the modding section on the minecraft forums. 2. Listing a bunch of names ain't saying anything about your ideas for them, but whatever
  18. Yeah as I said there is NO method made for doing that specifically but some things such as the AABB could be used to accomplish this goal. There are probably several other ways, but the best way that I currently know of is to use the bounding box for it Good luck!
  19. Maybe this will be possible in 1.7 due to the rework of the networking code?
  20. Yep you can use an AABB, center it on the player and make it the size you want the range to be. Use an Iterate over all entities inside the AABB, keep track of the one closest to the player. Then fire projectile towards the target. There is no documentation on how to do this kind of thing, there is documentation for most of the methods you can use. Documentation doesn't tell you every scenario you can use something in, it just tells you how it's supposed to work and you will have to decide when and how to use it for your purposes. Welcome to programming, it's more about designing the logic than it's about typing the code.
  21. Isn't Multicraft your host? Here, maybe you learn something: http://bit.ly/HNwLuU
  22. Sometimes you pass an instance of your @mod to things like the player.openGui call. If you have non static members then the instance is the way to access them.
  23. You are still limited to 4096 block IDs, which ain't a concern unless youre mod adds thousands of blocks for a valid reason (rp2 pannels i.e.) So well normally it won't be a big concern for ya
  24. Before I look into code, just to be sure: 1. Are you in difficulty peacful? Is it a monster and daytime?
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