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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. Or you can go to the wiki and find how to use wavefront models yourself. kkthnxbye
  2. ^ Sums up all I had to say
  3. Sorry you lost me, where did you say you got this long variable from? Paste your new related code (remember code tags)
  4. Read this, especially the last paragraph that should solve the above.. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html
  5. 1. VSWE's interface course teaches a lot of things, including tabs. 2. I'd suggest looking into who tabs are, as in what they really are in the logical sense. Look into how tabs are made for other things outside minecraft, in other java games/applications. Hell even tabs in scripts could give you a clue to the general idea As stated above, there is many ways to do this. Like any other logic problem, it has hundreds of solutions. You just have to find out which ones work for your needs and/or develop your own version(s)
  6. ^ I'd opt for this as well. You may find this other thread of interest in regards to hitting parts of a block: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,14324.0.html
  7. Aren't you just saying that if the current song = the current song then go to the next song, making it constantly go to the next song, on and on? "StackOverflow" Usually means you are getting stuck in an infinite loop somewhere. You could try placing a breakpoint and see where it leads you
  8. Sure thing! What you need to do is to trace a ray from the player, in the direction he's aiming and see where it hits. Based on where it hits the block, you do your logic. It's basically just ray tracing, and that's whats used in the mod you mentioned in the OP. So you should probably read up on ray tracing and learn how to create your own ray tracer and use that to deal with the sub hits
  9. http://bit.ly/1a7lI6O
  10. Max block ID is 4095 as there are 4096 unique IDs. The maxID of a Biome block or a block used directly in the chunk generation is 255. That being said, it's not sure Worldedit support modded blocks all to well, you'd have to ask the worldedit folks
  11. And how does this work with Gradle? Did you consider that? x)
  12. They are working on an update where we can get a read-only access to the minecraft/forge source. Lex mentioned it in the release post
  13. That is not any different than the logic for a furnace Do you understand truly how the Minecraft furnace works? If not go study it and learn it, then this should be easy
  14. Another thing to note is that events is NOT a forge concept. Events is a programming concept, as are much of the confusing forge and minecraft stuff. It's a good idea to search around for general peogramming information on such concepts as well as to learn about the specifics of forge
  15. When the player left clicks just do: world#playSoundAtEntity(/*args*/) // Name may be slightly different
  16. I followed the above steps, Worked perfectly Although it gave me a workspace with an Minecraft project containing just the example mod's src code. I can see that the example mod is referencing the Minecraft block class without throwing errors, but I can't view the source for it. So how do I get the files needed to attach the source? Nvm, it's comming later Just read Lex's new release post.
  17. Are you sure of this? That seems quite absurd to me, seeing as this is the official way to build and use forge as of the latest builds. I'm quite sure they wouldn't release it if it where in such a useless state...
  18. If the read and write methods are not being called then it's not a syncing problem (atm ). The problem is either: 1. Your TileEntity is not getting registered. Check that the line registrating it is indeed getting called (printline should suffice) 2. Does your write and read methods match the ones in the TileEntity class you are overriding? You can check this manually but the simplest way is to just add @Override to the line above the method. Then eclipse will check that it's correctly overriding a method or mark it as an error
  19. ... One question! Did you specify that this is a server side mod? I'm guessing you didn't and thats why Check your @mod annotaion mate
  20. ^ not to mention understanding of programming, but thats implied when modding I guess
  21. The problem is due to a bug in one of the mods. I'm not sure why you think item/block Ids are involved as the crash report is about structure generation and you yourself speaks of loading chunks Now find the mods which are generating structures, one of them is causing it. Try a server with only one of them installed and see if you can make it crash when generating structures. If not add another and so on until you find the one causing it. Then take the crash report and send it to the mod author. He will have to fix his code! This is NOT an issue with forge.
  22. Isn't this something you can achieve with MCPC+? The combinnation of FML and Bukkit features?
  23. Yes several. Use breakpoints located at the begining of the write and read methods. Check that they are called and the values of all the variables of your TE as the write method is called. Is it called at all? If so, does the TE have the correct values at the time? If thats all good, let us know so and also tell us if the read method is called and wether it retrives the correct values or not If it does not read the correct values then you have a syncing issue, look into posts about syncing TEs.
  24. As I recall information in the players IExtendedProperties also are wiped upon death. Since we are talking about storage of information for use during runtime, you could just store the information anywhere you want between his death and his respawn. Isn't that a simple solution? Never forget that despite the number of weird things that goes on in Minecraft's code; it's still just Java
  25. ^ Didn't the update just ruin your other projects anyways?
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