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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. Yes it's being completly re-written to use Netty. Expect that you will have to redo all of the packet related stuff
  2. *Facepalm* Read the above post again... Forge is not out yet, mcp is not out yet, mods won't be ready until sometime in December at the earliest.
  3. getBlockTextureFromSide does not return a String
  4. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/data/strings.html That and the related pages
  5. You do know that EntityID and UUID's are different things? Also do you want to despawn a specific mob (i.e That 1 zombie to the left there) or all of a given type (i.e. all zombies)? Even if you where to despawn something based on it's UUID why would you want to change the value of it? use the value it already has, it's what it's for '
  6. That was not the method call mentioned above, but anyways you should probably head back to your programming studies for a little while. Learning the fundamentals and then the basics is not only recommended, it's a requirement
  7. change his velocity?
  8. He talks about input, how it handles the overall inputs and from that you could probably find the classes involved and use your IDE to find which stuff calls upon the relevant methods for key input etc. I'm pretty sure the players position is moved related to his current velocity and movement speed, that's at least a common way to do it
  9. greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.no/p/list-of-topics.html This page contains a lot of information about how minecraft works internally. Theres a section on how input works, this could help you dig deeper into it by seeing what invokes the relevant methods and trace it to player movement. But uhm couldn't you just modify his velocity?
  10. You could take a look at the modlist project, here you can sort by forge as I have done here: http://modlist.mcf.li/version/1.6.4/#forge
  11. I thought you just got two suggested ways to accomplish what you wanted to do?
  12. I guess you could save the contents of the props when he enters a new dimension, and then delete it's contents and load the contents based on the dimension? or you could perhaps create the props in such a way that you have separate set of props for each dimension?
  13. Wtf is the point of an uuid if one could change it at a whim?
  14. 1.6 was a super small update, this is a massive one. Which you should have been able to comprehend from the op, this will take a long long time
  15. greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.no/p/list-of-topics.html There are some info on inputs here
  16. in my understanding you can't with the default importer do that as they are different objects. The addChild expects a part and not a obj model as an argument.
  17. When it's done. Also this SHOULD have answerd your questions on eta's:
  18. That would entierly depend on what data you would be sending
  19. Client -> sends info to server. Server spawns entity based on that information. Each client renders the entity as they do for all entities based on the information minecraft sends them about the entity, as entities are synced from server to client by minecraft.
  20. Packet all relevant info -> server recives and creates the effect as needed?
  21. Custom entity spawned and controlked serverside?
  22. Keep track of how many slots you have added and that's the number for the next slot?
  23. I must admit though that I'm very confused as to the point of all this What do you want to disable/enable from the config file? The whole block itself?
  24. For 1.7 that will change. For 1.6 the unique identifier is the blockID. So for the vanilla blocks you can just use the blockID and for the other blocks you use the name?
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