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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You did not read and understand the forge documentation. Also, you are using the deprecated method of registering, use the factory version.
  2. The best place to look is in Vanilla code, but also don't forget about the information on forge docs. Mainly in application to inventories(used capabilities). There are also many tutorials out there you can reference, but not all of them show the best practices. I'm gonna be working on my own tutorial series here soon, but first I'm gonna make a tutorial on here about the Model Animation System.
  3. I have gotten my model to animate, exactly the way I wanted it to. I am unsure as to exactly how and am going to attempt to recreate this in another separate workspace. And if it works then I am going to start working on a tutorial for it. I have updated my github repo with all the new files. Here are the links to the main files. Block File TileEntity File ClientProxy Armatures File ASM File
  4. You need to attach the capability to the Entity, not to the inventory. Also, read this documentation. It is also recommended when adding something to the players inventory gui/container you do it through tabs(the way creative tabs work, keeps intermod compatibility).
  5. This means your blockstate file is missing a variant for the color property. Specifically "color=white". In the case of learning how blockstates work and the syntax of them look into the vanilla blockstate files, and take a look at forge's documentation of vanilla and forge blockstates. Then once you understand them I have a class that automatically makes a blockstate file for a specified block here. This is meant for blocks that have a ridiculous amount of variants like pipes.
  6. Go back and look at Choonsters test mod and read this again.
  7. In the same method that adds the potion effect.
  8. I've made some progress, I guess. I got the problem hopefully narrowed down to my armatures file and the model file, but I don't see the problem with them. I have tested this by taking the forgedebugmodelanimation test files and using them along with my own code. I just can't seem to get my armatures file to work with everything or my model files.
  9. Oh, I didn't know that it could be used like that. Very interesting. No, that is not how this forum works. Make your registerItems method a static method and then it should work. Also, you shouldn't initialize IForgeRegistryEntry instances in a static initializer.
  10. This is not how you use this annotation. This needs to be a static method due to this
  11. Check if the entity has the whole armor set equipped by comparing the items in the equipment slots. EntityLivingBase#getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot)
  12. Forge will send emails to you about replies if you tell it to. Calling the command gradlew build will compile your mod for you.
  13. Oops, my bad, that is only used for flying mobs it turns out. Specifically used for flying. It turns out you might have to subscribe to PlayerEvent.StartTracking and "tag" the entity and "untag" the entity in PlayerEvent.StopTracking. And then in a tick event check if they have the potion effect and send the packet and mark that so you don't continuously send the packet. And then check if they don't have the effect and send another packet letting the client know. Honestly, you might even want to skip the Tracking section because it might work better.
  14. Are you specifically targeting the levitation potion effect? If so you could just retrieve it with Entity#hasNoGravity()
  15. Please post the actual code you have. And I believe your issue is that other entities never sync their PotionEffects to the client.
  16. I understand; it's sad that fry moved on to Mojang before properly documenting this system because I feel that it is secretly great. When I find the solution I will be sure to post here and hopefully provide some type of tutorial/guide/documentation of some sort that is more easily followed than the current stuff.
  17. ItemStack#itemDamage is truncated to a short value aka the max is 32767(thank you Draco18s). ItemStacks are considered empty if their itemDamage is greater than 65535 or less than -32767.
  18. Create a new class that extends FoodStats and have the constructor take an instance of FoodStats from EntityPlayer in the event Diesieben mentioned.
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