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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. IItemHandler is an interface that ItemStackHandler implements. An instance of ItemStackHandler should work fine for this case.
  2. No problem, glad I could help. Also it will look weird if you model protrudes outside of a 1 block space into another blocks, so you may wanna shrink it a little.
  3. Do this in FMLPreInitializationEvent instead.
  4. I am unsure as to the process of exporting and making the model myself. But I believe that if it was finding your file it would be throwing a different exception our way, than the one that specifies a json file. Could you post the file path to your .obj and .mtl file and show the code where you call OBJLoader.addDomain also add the .obj extension back to your blockstate file according to the docs that is the correct way to do that.
  5. There is a forge docs page for models and it includes .obj files.
  6. Your model path should not have ".obj at the end of it" And your texture path should not have the ".png" at the end of it. These will be automatically appended.
  7. We can't help without actual information. Post your blockstate and your log that has the exception.
  8. This is not true, all Items are singletons(there is only one shears). You are comparing and ItemStack to an Item you need to call ItemStack#getItem on your getItemInMainHand
  9. Post updated json and path as well as the log.
  10. Change it back, that was my mistake as noted by me striking out the text.
  11. Your path is assets/openscripties/recipes not assets/openscriptie/recipes
  12. Is there an error in the log? Its most likely the ingredients being an array of objects instead of an array of strings.
  13. There is no reference to your recipe in the log, where is the json file located, and
  14. No, vanilla crafting recipes do not work in this manner.'=' What does the log say? Also did you even take a look at mcjty's tutorial? You're missing the key and pattern tag.
  15. Do still need help if so post the exception.
  16. This is probably because you can look at all the other lang files within your Minecraft jar or look in assets.forge.lang within your workspace. The problem you might be having is that you do not have a pack.mcmeta file, if you do not forge will switch to a legacy version that requires your english lang file to be called en_US.lang.
  17. When you open the inventory or the inventory is accessed the contents need to be synced, it is not necessarily an event handler you need to use. Note the container class should automatically sync its contents to the client from Container#detectAndSendChanges You very well could, but you shouldn't extend InventoryPlayer or any IInventory, instead just use an IItemHandler implementation. For future reference please read the javadoc above things before you use them.
  18. Which blocks? Also post what you have.
  19. And the crash for this code.
  20. Use the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post
  21. No, there is not a simpler way to do this, though your overall code will look much simpler than forges dynamic bucket because you will only need to have one TextureAtlasSprite that applies the color to the texture. But I do agree with jabelar, it would be fine to just let the texture be generated every frame. And if it were to become a problem you could very easily switch over to the TextureAtlasSprite method.
  22. Raw code please, no one wants to download it.
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