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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. If you looked at the code it was ModItems.MATERIALS with meta 4, aka Shadow Shards. But it requires 4 of them to function. I have looked at the forge test of it, but I will try to look it over again and hopefully find something. I understand why it would be a problem and have already said I would fix it upon getting back to my workstation.
  2. A standard that was used was schematic files, used in the Schematica mod. Which is open source on github.
  3. What does this have to do with anything? And I was just looking at this yesterday and going to make the change the next time I sat down and worked on this mod. Thank you.
  4. You can copy and paste code. And debug it if it doesnt work. But you should start from ground zero and write it all again.
  5. This is a fair, and good point. I will change. This is true as pointed out above by Aeronica, and was changed on the git hub code. When I originally wrote it I wasn't thinking about inter-mod compatibility with other TE Capabilities.
  6. Yes , I know this I even said that to you. I have taken care while looking at Vazkii's code, though I might have missed something. Here is the link to the github repo. if you notice anything else that is not related to this issue that may be problematic feel free to let me know.
  7. This is true, but only to have compatibility with other mods that add a capability to them. I know, it does return true because getCapability won't return null. I have already stepped through this with my IDEs debugger and it is being treated as an AnimatedTESR.
  8. Based on this log your stuff seems to be getting the minecraft modid instead of essence.
  9. Post your log and push all of your code to github.
  10. What is happening exactly? Are the blocks not being textured, is it only in the world or is it happening in the inventory as well? Are their models loading? Are they in the game can you /give them to yourself?
  11. Please don't post on a thread that's 4 years old.
  12. Yes. All assets need to be lowercase, except for the special scenario with the lang file.
  13. Here is how you can remove the recipe from the game. ForgeRegistry<IRecipe> recipes = (ForgeRegistry<IRecipe>) ForgeRegistries.RECIPES; recipes.remove(new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "furnace")); Though you will need to re-add the recipes after a disconnect. Though if you send the packet in the correct event it will sync your recipes correctly. On the other hand you could create your own IRecipe implementation that references your config variables and return accordingly in matches and getCraftingResult.
  14. I have a block that I want to animate. I am using the animation system and used the Botania pump block as a basis to learn the system. I have the AnimatedTESR "working"; as in it renders, but isn't applying any of the offset information. Armatures File. ASM File. BlockState File. TESR Model. TESR Registration Code (called during preInit). Block Code. TE Code.
  15. You need to create and register a renderer for your Entities class. Look at EntityArrow#onUpdate it is where the motionX/Y/Z variables are modified.
  16. look at ItemBow, it uses onPlayerStoppedUsing to spawn and fire the arrow, this is the code that happens after releasing right click, but it doesn't care if you have held it down for the full amount of time. onItemUseFinish waits until the whole time has completed. And it has some code in onItemRightClick to see if it can be fired and setting the active hand.
  17. What happens and what do you want to happen exactly? Is the bullet entity spawning at all, is it spawning repeatedly?
  18. Sure, here is an example on how to set a blockstate. world.setBlockState(Blocks.FURNACE.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockFurnace.FACING, EnumFacing.EAST));
  19. If it is the vanilla concrete block look in the BlockColored class and look at it's blockstate properties. It uses an enum. If it is your own concrete block I have no idea.
  20. You're getting the default state and not the colored state. If all you have is the block you need to call Block#getDefaultState().withProperty and apply the properties value.
  21. Do the assets have the registry name as their file names?
  22. That is why I said put it in with a wrapper. A wrapper is a class that inherits a type and takes an instance of that type in through its constructor. This way you can call all the methods and hopefully not cause any other errors with mods.
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