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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Both methods neighborChanged and getStateForPlacement have a world and a BlockPos parameter.
  2. They use the OreDictionary and I do the same thing but with the eclipse keybinding.
  3. First off this is not going to work in your block class TileEntitySolarGenerator tileEntitySolarGenerator = new TileEntitySolarGenerator(); instead use world.getTileEntity(pos) Next pass in a World and BlockPos variable into updateFromPlaced() and updateFromNeighbor()
  4. Use neighborChanged(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Block blockIn) and getStateForPlacement(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack stack)
  5. for each enum { BlockPos pos = getPos().offset(face); if (getWorld().getTileEntity(pos) instanceof TEClass) { // Do stuff } else { // Do stuff } }
  6. The equation?
  7. When do you update energyDP?
  8. Here is a hint if you do not know how to create an instance of a class: look at the classes constructor.
  9. I don't know how man! "like for items and blocks." I feel like bashing my head as hard as I can into this keyboard atm. register(new ResourceLocation(modid, name), EntitySphere.class, "sphere");
  10. You override getWorld() remove that function from your class and add the functionality to update.
  11. Can you give me an example of this, please? initialize the Exampled.rsrcl I feel bad for asking :\ rsrcl = new ResourceLocation(modid, name);
  12. Don't override getWorld()...
  13. Don't override getWorld(), for this you want to use update.
  14. That depends why are you checking for adjacent blocks?
  15. worldObj.getBlockState(BlockPos).getBlock()
  16. You only need one GuiHandler...
  17. Post your ClientProxy, ServerProxy, and your Reference class
  18. Your receiveEnergy is where the energy gets changed. I thought it might be and did try but that didnt change anything so i thought it must be another way of doing it There are two other methods I forgot to say getUpdateTag, and handleUpdateTag. Those were recently brought to my attention.
  19. Your receiveEnergy is where the energy gets changed.
  20. Is it under the assets/modid/models/item folder? Because it doesn't show that.
  21. Show the entire explorer in your IDE.
  22. Post new log. And your item json.
  23. Data ie the energy.
  24. All file names should be lowercase. If you are using 1.11 they have to be in 1.10.2 they do not, but since it is being enforced in 1.11 best to start doing it now. The file it is looking for is ingotcopper not ingotCopper.
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